It is our people who make the ISB culture. We firmly believe in the ethos of “A culture of the people, for the people and by the people of ISB”
Our aim is to break free from a work culture that fits a conventional paradigm of a typical workplace.
We strive hard to make ISB feel like a second home to our people.
Our belief is to create a culture that is not only about professional growth, but also about our personal fulfillment as valuable contributors at ISB. We drive this by triggering your excitement to start your day with us as you spend most of your prolific hours at the campus.
Spandan is all about celebrating the ideas of our people. A platform to showcase the extracurricular talent of our community. It is a bimonthly edition, passionately compiled by a team of enthusiasts and contributors.
It covers a spectrum of topics for our readers and provides insights about everyday life of ISBians