By Deccan News |Jan 15, 2021
Hyderabad: ‘Covid-19 accelerated the digital transformation of businesses. More than ever, the IT organization is emerging as a key strategic asset that drives competitive advantage rather than a peripheral cost point, ”said Professor Deepa Mani, Executive Director of The Srini Raju Center for IT and the Networked Economy (SRITNE). ISB underlined. . Professor Deepa Mani addressed students from the University of Vienna during the virtual Global Week, where more than 35 students representing countries, including Austria, Australia, Bulgaria, Germany, Hungary, Moldova, Republic of Korea, Russian Federation, Slovakia, Slovenia, South -Africa, and the USA participated in it.
The Indian School of Business (ISB), which has been collaborating with the Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU Vienna) for the past few years as part of their WU Executive Academy MBA program, has enhanced India’s expertise and thought leadership in IT. and related sectors. Every year, the latest and emerging concepts and technologies in the IT sector are brought to the fore, and students gain new and fresh business insights on IT-related topics. This program is also characterized by a visit to IT companies on site to gain first-hand understanding of the topics.