

Women's participation in the workforce in India has been abysmally low. Indian women’s contribution to the GDP is one of the lowest in the world (17%). Lack of female participation in spite of them being active in secondary and tertiary education is worrisome. Further, while a number of young women do join the workforce, the numbers get thinner as one looks upwards at the corporate pyramid.

Through Women's Excellence Initiative, we undertake research to understand and identify the root-cause of the common issues that inhibit women engagement and growth in the workforce from an Indian and Asian perspective and at the same time assimilate the best practices from across the world. 

The Women's Excellence Initiative is aimed at encouraging dialogue, discussion, debate and ideation on how to engage, retain and accelerate more women in the workforce by understanding their challenges and ensuring meaningful data-driven solutions. Indian School of Business continues to significantly contribute to women in business through all its programmes.



Women's Excellence Initiative runs programmes in the following format: open enrolment programmes, custom designed programmes and consortium programmes.

Programmes done so far...

Goldman Sachs 10,000 Women Initiative

ISB joined hands with Goldman Sachs 10,000 Women initiative to train 1350 underserved women entrepreneurs running their own businesses, with a business turnover ranging from INR 5 lacs to INR 75 lacs, to upscale their businesses by providing them business and management education and practical skills.

Governance Programme for Independent Directors on Board

This program aimed at increasing the number of women ready to take on board responsibilities. The program covered the necessary skills and knowledge required to qualify as a board member and also exposed the participants to the various challenges it brought along. The participants included current and prospective board members.

Women Leadership Programme

The Programme was designed to help senior women professionals to acquire skills for effective leadership in a male dominant organization. The learnings of the programme enabled participants to craft a personal action plan to guide their career advancement, gain insights into their strengths and developmental opportunities as a leader and lead more effectively and inclusively.

Grow Women in Leadership Programme

ISB partnered with Accenture to build their Grow Women in Leadership Programme (GWILP) which aimed to develop strong leadership capabilities in the participants. The six months programme had modules on Strategic Thinking, Business Story Telling, Customer Centricity and Financial Acumen; webinars on cutting edge topics like analytics and IOT as well as Action Learning Projects that were mentored by ISB.


Under the  Women's Leadership and Excellence Initiative, we conduct quarterly thematic workshops and breakfast sessions with industry and academia. Our aim is to create an ongoing dialogue within the industry and academia to delve deeper into women issues from corporate and social perspective. We provide a coaching and mentoring platform for women executives to help them navigate through their challenges and engage with NGOs as well as business sector to promote social and financial inclusion of women.

There is a continuous Triparty engagement with  AcademiaIndustry and  Government/ Social sector.

The engagement events include  workshopsbreakfast sessions and  networking events.