Ahmed Timoumi

Assistant Professor, Marketing

Email ahmed_timoumi@isb.edu


Ahmed Timoumi is an Assistant Professor of Marketing at the Indian School of Business. His research and teaching interests include Retailing, Channel Management, Product Returns, and Sales Force management. He holds a Ph.D in Marketing from Koc University and was a visiting scholar at Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University. His current research focus is on Omnichannel retailing and he co-manages the Omnichannel Retailing and Ecommerce initiative (OREI) at ISB. This initiative provides a platform for practitioners and scholars to solve real problems faced by retailers in India, workshops and training to retailers, and research opportunities to scholars.

Professor Timoumi received a degree in Mathematics and Physics from Institut Préparatoire Aux Etudes d'Ingénieurs de Tunis, and a degree in Engineering with a focus in Economics and Management from Ecole Polytechnique de Tunisie.



  • 2015 - Present: Assistant Professor, Indian School of Business