Every healthcare system, including that in India is unique, shaped by the country’s set of policies, population health needs and its response by the healthcare industry.
Indian healthcare is at a point of inflection due to technological advancements, private equity investments, consolidation in the industry, and changes in healthcare financing and policy landscapes. The learning solutions in healthcare management of ISB MIHM are designed to cater to the capricious nature of the Indian healthcare industry at this point.
To do so, the programme designs are informed by research and evidence from management literature and healthcare research and combine global best practices in healthcare and other sectors. Due to the localised nature of a lot of opportunities and challenges in healthcare, a lot of care is given to adapt learnings from global best practices to India context, and to develop case studies that illustrates innovations from Indian organisations.
Appointment Alert
Ashish Chadha, AMPH Co '18, appointed as Group Head- Business Development, Ivy Healthcare.
Appointment Alert
Rohit Singh, ISB PGP Co'14, promoted to Chief Executive Officer, International Business, NephroPlus
Appointment Alert
Dr Anupama Srikonda AMPH Co ’22, promoted to Director, Business Strategy, Bluecloudsoftech
Appointment Alert
Rajesh Ramamurthy, PGPpro Co ’22, promoted to Senior Regional Manager - West & Bangladesh (Endo) & Business Development Manager- CapEq India, Boston Scientific
Appointment Alert
Vikas Chawla, AMPH Co '23, prmoted to Vice President, Human Resources, Aakash Healthcare