Emergent research posits that artificial intelligence (AI), especially machine intelligence (MI), is the most important general-purpose technology of our era. Rapid advances in MI are engendering economically significant applications in speech and face recognition, customer retention, R&D, trading, anomaly detection, and operations and workflow design, amongst others, across diverse sectors. These applications, in turn, are giving rise to new tasks and occupations, new processes, and new business models, whose contribution is expected to increase from $1.3 billion in 2016 to $59 billion in 2025. However, the evidence of such impact is generally anecdotal in that it has largely comprised a relatively small number of use cases that are not generalizable to a larger cohort of firms and industries.
SRITNE is interested in studying AI-based workflow automation and work models based on empirical data to present statistical evidence of the systematic and increasingly pervasive impacts of AI on business and society.