Guidelines and Style Guide of BIPP Research Blogs


The purpose of this style guide is to aid authors in submitting their research blogs to the Bharti Institute of Public Policy at the Indian School of Business. It contains a compilation of common style issues and guidelines to be mindful of when submitting a blog.


All the submissions (in word file) can be sent at

Length, format and writing style

  • Blogs should be submitted in Word format only.
  • The word document should be double spaced, in Times Roman 12 points, with 1-inch margins.
  • Headings and sub-headings must be in bold.
  • Use a descriptive and catchy title as it will increase the likelihood of the readers to read the blog.
  • Use British spelling and grammar.
  • All figures, maps, and graphs should have a title and a source and should be submitted in editable format. Do not insert figures as PDFs.
  • All figures, maps, and graphs must be numbered and linked with the text.


  • References should be linked instead of cited in the text. 
  • Always include an acknowledgement of the source when referencing or using information that is not originally yours.
  • Avoid using footnotes and citations; instead, integrate relevant material directly into the text by using hyperlinks and directing readers to other research sources.

Plagiarism and academic honesty

ISB maintains a strict zero-tolerance policy towards plagiarism. All submitted blogs will be thoroughly checked for instances of plagiarism.

Guidelines for publication

1.     Read the style guide carefully before submitting your work and ensure that your submission adheres to the rules.

2.     Submit your research blog (in word file) at

3.     Submissions will undergo a rigorous initial review, and a decision on acceptance or rejection will be communicated to the corresponding author within three working days.

4.     Author will be requested to provide basic details via JotForm, including a 75-word bio and photograph (.jpeg or .png format).

5.     Author to revise the document based on expert reviewers’ feedback within 3 working days of receiving them. If further revisions are necessary, they will be requested during the review process.

6.     Publication of the research blog on the BIPP website.