The Srini Raju Center for Information Technology and Networked Economies (SRITNE) conducts field-based research on issues related to the management and use of information technology (IT) in complex organisations. Our mission is to develop concepts and frameworks to help researchers and executives address the IT-related challenges of leading increasingly dynamic, global, and information-intensive organizations.
The relevance of our research is ensured by the active participation of corporate sponsors and government agencies. SRITNE’s research begins with the premise that emerging technologies change prototypes: they upend the very structure of firms.
Our goal is to create a learning community by working together with researchers, governments and corporate partners and expand reach of the research we conduct. Further, translation of the research is achieved by creating actionable insights and data-driven models that align with core strategies and support dissemination of information through key reports. Given that our research is intrinsically cross-industry, our efforts are directed at four areas that together define our academic domain.