Deo, Sarang
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Deo, Sarang

Sarang Deo

Professor | Operations Management

I am Professor of Operations Management and Executive Director of the Max Institute of Healthcare Management at the Indian School of Business. My primary area of research is health care delivery systems. I am interested in investigating the impact of operations decisions on population level health outcomes. Some of the healthcare contexts that I have studied include the influenza vaccine supply chain and the phenomenon of ambulance diversion in the US, HIV early infant diagnosis networks in sub-Saharan Africa, and formal and informal pathways for TB diagnosis in India. I regularly collaborate with international public health funding and implementation agencies such as Clinton Health Access Initiative and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation for my research.
Prior to joining the ISB, I was Assistant Professor at the Kellogg School of Management. I obtained a PhD from UCLA Anderson School of Management, MBA from IIM Ahmedabad, and B. Tech. from IIT Bombay. Before entering academics, I worked with Accenture as a management consultant.




  • Deo, Sarang.,Singh, Simrita.,Jha, Neha.,Arinaminpathy, Nimalan.,Dewan, Puneet. (2020) "Predicting the impact of patient and private provider behaviour on diagnostic delay for pulmonary tuberculosis patients in India: A simulation modelling study", PLoS Medicine, 17 (5) (e1003039)
  • Bayram, Armagan.,Deo, Sarang.,Iravani, Seyed.,Smilowitz, Karen. (2020) "Managing Virtual Appointments in Chronic Care", IISE Transactions in Healthcare Systems Engineering , 10 (1), 1-17
  • Arifoglu, Kenan.,Deo, Sarang.,Iravani, Seyed. (2020) "Markdowns in seasonal conspicuous goods", Marketing Science, 39 (5), 1016--1029
  • Deo, Sarang.,Tyagi, Hanu.,Chatterjee, Chirantan.,Molakpuri, Himasagar. (2020) "Did India's Price Control Policy for Coronary Stents Create Unintended Consequences?", Social Science and Medicine, 246:112737
  • T, Garg.,Bhardwaj, M.., Deo, Sarang. (2020) "Role of community health workers in improving cost efficiency in an active case finding tuberculosis program: An operational research study from rural Bihar, India", BMJ Open, 10:e036625
  • Tyagi, Hanu.,Sabharwal, Manisha.,Dixit, Nishi.,Pal, Arnab.,Deo, Sarang. (2020) "Leveraging providers’ preferences to customize instructional content in ICT-based training interventions: A retrospective analysis of a mobile phone-based intervention in India.",  JMIR mHealth uHealth, 8 (3) (e15998)
  • Arinaminpathy, Nimalan.,Deo, Sarang.,Singh, Simrita.,Khaparde, Sunil.,Rao, Raghuram.,Vadera, Bhavin.,Kulshrestha, Niraj.,Gupta, Devesh.,Rade, Kiran.,Nair, Sreenivas Achuthan.,Dewan, Puneet. (2019) "Modelling the impact of effective private provider engagement on tuberculosis control in urban India.", Scientific Reports, 9 (1), 3810
  • Deo, Sarang.,Jindal, Pankaj.,Gupta, Devesh.,Khaparde, Sunil.,Rade, Kiran.,Sachdeva, Kuldeep.,Vadera, Bhavin.,Shah, Daksha.,Patel, Kamlesh.,Dave, Paresh.,Chopra, Rishabh.,Jha, Nita.,Papineni, Sirisha.,Vijayan, Shibu.,Dewan, Puneet. (2019) "What would it cost to scale-up private sector engagement efforts for TB care? Evidence from three pilot programs in India.", PLoS One, 14 (6), e0214928
  • Allu, Rakesh.,Deo, Sarang.,Devalkar, Sripad. (2019) "Alternatives to Aadhaar based biometrics in the Public Distribution System.", Economic and Political Weekly, 54 (12), 30-37
  • Dabas, Harkesh.,Deo, Sarang.,Sabharwal, Manish.,Pal, Arnab.,Salim, Sachin.,Nair, Lakshmi.,Chauhan, Kaartikeya.,Maheshwari, Prateek.,Parulkar, Aparna.,Singh, Ritu.,Chitalia, Manasi.,Kadam, Rigveda.,Kaur, Manjot.,Oghor, Collins.,Ponnudurai, Nirros.,Small, Peter.,Dewan, Puneet.,Pai, Madhukar. (2019) "Initiative for Promoting Affordable, Quality Tuberculosis Tests (IPAQT): A market shaping intervention in India.", BMJ Global Health , 4 ((6): e00153)
  • Deo, Sarang.,Jain, Aditya. (2019) "Slow first, fast later: Empirical evidence of speed-up in service episodes of finite duration.", Production and Operations Management , 28 (5), 1061-1081
  • Jonasson, Jonas.,Deo, Sarang.,Gallien, Jeremie. (2017) "Improving HIV early infant diagnosis (EID) supply chains in sub-Saharan Africa:Models and Applicaion to Mozambique.", Operations Research , 65 (6), 1479-1493
  • Deo, Sarang.,Rajaram, Kumar.,Rath, Sandeep.,Karmarkar, Uday.,Goetz, Matthew. (2015) "Planning for HIV screening, testing and care at the Veterans Health Administration.", Operations Research , 63 (2), 287-304
  • Deo, Sarang.,Crea, Lindy.,Quevado, Jorge.,Lehe, Jonathan.,Vojnov, Lara.,Peter, Trevor.,Jani, Ilesh. (2015) "Expedited results delivery systems using GPRS technology significantly reduce early infant diagnosis test turnaround times.", Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes , 70, e1-e4
  • Pho, Mai. Deo, Sarang.,Palamountain, Kara.,Bajunirwe, Francis.,Katamba, Achilles. (2015) "Optimizing tuberculosis case detection through a novel diagnostic device placement model.", PLoS One , 10 (4), e0122574
  • Deo, Sarang.,Sohoni, Milind. (2015) "Optimal decentralization of early infant diagnosis of HIV in resource-limited settings", Manufacturing and Service Operations Management , 17 (2), 191-207 
  • Salje, Henrik.,Andrews, Jason.,Deo, Sarang.,Satyanarayana, Srinath.,Sun, Amanda.,Pai, Madhukar.,Dowdy, David. (2014) "The Importance of Implementation Strategy in Scaling Up Xpert MTB/RIF for Diagnosis of Tuberculosis in the Indian Health-Care System: A Transmission Model.", PLoS Medicine , 11 (7), e1001674
  • Salje, Henrik.,Andrews, Jason.,Deo, Sarang.,Satyanarayana, Srinath.,Sun, Amanda.,Pai, Madhukar.,Dowdy, David. (2014) "The impact of improved tuberculosis diagnosis in different sectors of healthcare systems: An epidemiological modelling analysis", PLos Medicine , 11 (7)
  • Deo, Sarang.,Iravani, Seyed.,Jiang, Tingting.,Smilowitz, Karen.,Samuelson, Stephen. (2013) "Improving health outcomes through better capacity allocation in a community-based chronic care model.", Operations Research , 61 (6), 1277-1294
  • Mugambi, Melissa.,Deo, Sarang.,Kekitiinwa, Adeodata.,Kiyaga, Charles.,Singer, Mendel. (2013) "Do Diagnosis Delays Impact Receipt of Test Results? Evidence from the HIV Early Infant Diagnosis Program in Uganda.", PLoS One , 8 (11) (e78891)
  • Allon, Gad.,Deo, Sarang.,Lin, Wuqin. (2013) "The impact of size and occupancy of hospital on the extent of ambulance diversion: Theory and evidence", Operations Research , 61 (3), 544-562 
  • Sun, Amanda.,Pai, Madhukar.,Satyanarayana, Srinath.,Deo, Sarang.,Dowdy, David. (2013) "Modeling the Impact of Alternative Strategies for Rapid Molecular Diagnosis of Tuberculosis in Southeast Asia.", American Journal of Epidemiology , 178 (12), 1740-1749
  • Arifoglu, Kenan.,Deo, Sarang.,Iravani, Seyed. (2012) "Consumption externality and yield uncertainty in the influenza vaccine supply chain: Interventions on demand and supply side.", Management Science , 58 (6), 1072-1091
  • Deo, Sarang.,Topp, Stephanie.,Garcia, Ariel.,Soldner, Mallory.,Yagci-Sokat, Kezban.,Chipukuma, Julien.,Wamulume, C.S..,Reid, Stewart.,Swann, J.. (2012) "Modeling the impact of integrating HIV and outpatient health services on patient waiting times in an urban health clinic in Zambia.", PLoS One , 7 (4), e3547
  • Deo, Sarang.,Topp, Stephanie.,Westfall, Andrew.,Wamulume, Chibesa.,Morris, Mary.,Reid, Stewart. (2012) "Impact of organizational factors on adherence to laboratory testing protocols in adult HIV care in Lusaka, Zambia.", BMC Health Services Research , 12:106
  • Deo, Sarang.,Gurvich, Itai. (2011) "Centralized vs. Decentralized Ambulance Diversion: A Network Perspective.", Management Science , 57 (7), 1300-1319 
  • Deo, Sarang.,Corbett, C.J..,Cleary, Paul.,McInnes, Keith.,Wilson, I.B..,Landon, B..,Shapiro, Martin. (2009) "Associations Between Organizational Characteristics and Quality Improvement Activities of Clinics Participating in a Quality Improvement Collaborative.", Medical Care , 47 (9), 929-1035
  • Deo, Sarang.,Corbett, Charles. (2009) "Cournot competition under yield uncertainty: The case of U.S. influenza vaccine market.", Manufacturing and Service Operations Management , 11 (4), 563-576
  • Tang, Christopher.,Deo, Sarang. (2008) "Rental price and rental duration under retail competition.", European Journal of Operational Research , 187 (3), 806-828 Deo, Sarang.,Tang, Christopher. (2005) "Optimal procurement, disposal and pricing policies for managing rental goods.", International Transactions In Operations Research , 12 (6), 595-629
  • Aksin-Karaesmen, Zeynep.,Deo, Sarang.,Jonasson, Jonas.,Ramdas, Kamalini. "Learning from Many: Partner exposure and Team Familiarity in Fluid Teams.", Management Science. Marla, Lavanya.,Krishnan, Kaushik.,Deo, Sarang. "Managing EMS Systems with user abandonment in emerging economies.", IISE Transactions

Case studies


Awards & Achievements

  • Finalist, M&SOM Responsible Research Award. 2019
  • Professor of the Year Award for Core Courses. 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015
  • Grand Challenges Exploration award for “Optimal Motorcycle Routing in Sample Transportation for Diagnostic Networks.” 2017
  • Alumni Endowment Research Fellowship, Indian School of Business. 2016-18
  • Distinguished Service Award, Management Science. 2014
  • Meritorious Service Award, Management Science. 2016, 2015, 2013, 2011
  • Meritorious Service Award, M&SOM. 2016, 2015, 2013, 2012
  • National Science Foundation (U.S.) grant for “Design and Control Principles for Mobile Health Care Operations Management: The Case of Asthma Control,” 2011
  • Grand Challenges Canada grant for “Multi-Pathogen Point-of-Care Diagnostics (MPDx) in East Africa,” 2011
  • Nominated for L.G. Lavengood Outstanding Professor of the Year Award, 2011
  • 2nd Prize, Oikos case competition on Social Entrepreneurship for the case “Ndlovu: The clock ticks!” 2011
  • Exceptional Reviewer, Medical Care, 2010, 2009
  • 2nd Prize, M&SOM student paper competition, 2006
  • Doctoral Award, Joseph M. Juran Center for Leadership in Quality, University of Minnesota, 2006
  • Doctoral Fellowship, UCLA Anderson School of Management, 2003–2007
  • National Talent Search Scholarship (India), 1993–2001