"Your dreams will remain just a dream unless you take small and realistic steps towards achieving them"
- Eileen Anglin
The quote aptly describes the struggle we go through in order to achieve our dreams. As students of the Indian School of Business, we have taken that step to turn our dreams into reality. And now, we are on the path to help others in taking those small and realistic steps.
Udaan is a one of its kind initiative by the Net Impact Club, ISB (Mohali) that brings the whole campus together to give back to the society.
With Udaan, ISB has partnered with an educational institution in Chandigarh: Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya (JNV), to help more than 100 students from low income households realize their true potential and do great things in life.
The initiative focuses on skill development with a focus on soft skills training and career awareness workshops, collectively making them a little more empowered and a little less dependent. The engagement has been designed with over 4 workshops, where students from ISB campus will visit/e-visit the partner institutes and engage their students through informative sessions and carefully designed modules.
With the hope of creating impact and positive changes to student's lives, Udaan brings together ISB and Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya (JNV), Chandigarh so that students can learn from each other.
Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya (JNV): JNVs are co-educational residential schools fully financed and administered by Government of India through an autonomous organization, Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti. Admission in JNVs are made through the Jawahar Navodaya Selection Test (JNVST) at Class VI and some of the brightest minds of the country get admitted through this highly competitive entrance.
ISB students are helping over 100 class X and class XII students by making them more aware of the vast career options that exist, and how can they get closer to their dream profession. This includes workshops on the following:
· Career awareness
· Career planning
· Entrance examinations preparation
· Information on educational scholarships available (and everything else that clears any iota of uncertainty in their minds.....)
Udaan is a student run initiative and all the funds raised will be invested in getting the right partners and educators on board.
The team has planned many workshops over and beyond the set of career awareness and soft skills workshops. The mention alone of these workshops lights up the faces of these young dreamers, very eager to learn new things.
And for us to be able to plan these workshops successfully, we need a little bit of financial support from you, for the following:
· Assessment partners
· Workshop Collaterals
· Volunteer engagement
· Technical and IT support
· Travel (if required)
We have made the fundraising process rather simple and convenient for you. If you wish to contribute to the initiative, please click on the link below to our Milaap campaign: https://milaap.org/fundraisers/support-unquarantine
In August 2019, the Net Impact Club, Mohali campus, started out a career mentorship program called “Udaan”.
In phase 1 of Udaan, the club along with ISB volunteers conducted workshops and psychometric tests for career assessment tests of over 120 students in Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, a government school in Chandigarh. This preliminary process was conducted in collaboration with an organization named Pro-Bano.
As part of Udaan phase 2, we clubbed students in small groups based on the assessment results and mapped our volunteers as mentors to these groups based on his/her area of expertise.
Purpose of mentorship to class 10th and 12th students were the following:
A. How to convert their dream to a planned achievable goal
B. What all fundamental things to take care of and plan for such as financial, operational and psychological
C. Make them aware of alternate career choices and the subsequent decisions those choices entail
12 ISB students spent a day in Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya as career mentors to 120 students (class 10th and 12th) taking their first step towards career decisions.
Udaan is a long-term relationship of ISB, its students and Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya. School is currently in talks with Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya to establish a line of regular communication with the students so that the location of ISB students and the mentees no longer remain a limiting factor for mentorship