

Developments in Artificial Intelligence (AI), particularly Machine Learning (ML) and its increasing use in the industry over the last few years, provide strategy researchers with many opportunities.

The third AI & Strategy consortium intends to bring together a set of researchers interested in one or more of the themes described below through an annual meeting. This meeting will be held virtually on January 21 and 22, 2022, between 8:30 – 11:15 AM ET (9:30 PM to 12.15 midnight Singapore time; 7.00 PM – 9:45 PM, India). The conference is sponsored by the Srini Raju Center for IT and the Networked Economy (SRITNE).  As with last year’s conference, the three objectives of this conference are  

·       To provide a focused forum of scholars, students, and editors to seed and discuss work in the field of strategy that is contextually or empirically related to AI

·       To provide a forum spanning both industry and academia to accelerate learning of how AI can transform organizations and their strategies

·       To facilitate inter-disciplinary collaboration between computer scientists doing interesting work in AI/ML and strategy scholars, especially those interested in applying some of these techniques in their scholarly work.


Through this conference, we would like to continue to create an emerging body of knowledge that focuses on how the advent of AI/ML adds to a strategy researcher’s tool, understand how it will shape decision making, firm strategies, and alter competitive advantage. Hence, possible topics of interest include but are not limited to the following

·       How AI influences organizational learning and decision making

·       How the adoption of AI might shape and alter the competitive advantage

·       How the advent of AI might influence the performance of incumbents in an industry

·       New statistical methods that are appropriate for strategy research that utilizes AI or ML

·       Management issues including ethics and culture that might influence the adoption of AI or the subsequent performance of firms that adopted AI.

The workshop will include virtual paper presentations for about 15 minutes, followed by a 5-minute discussion and a 10 minute Q&A on the paper. 

If you are interested in attending the conference, please register at https://forms.office.com/r/vK53jTRGbf


8.30 – 8.35 AM, ET

Welcome Remarks


Madan Pillutla (Dean, Indian School of Business)

Harbir Singh (Professor of Management, Wharton School; Area Leader, Strategy, Indian School of Business)

8:35 – 9:05 AM, ET



Organizations as Artificial Intelligences: The Use of Artificial Intelligence Analogies in Organization Theory


Felipe Csaszar (University of Michigan)

Parallel Track 1: AI and Competition, and Poster Sessions

Duration: 2 hours 55 minutes; 9:05 – 12:00 PM, ET

9:05 – 9:35 AM, ET

The CEO Effect in Communication: A Natural Language Processing Based Approach


Shyam Kumar (Lally School of Management, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)

Sen Li (Lally School of Management, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)

Xinying Qu (Lally School of Management, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)


Discussion led by Prothit Sen

9:35 – 10:05 AM, ET

Dual CEO Personality Interactions and Acquisition Premiums: An Acquirer and Target Perspective


Yves-Martin Felker (University of Lancaster)

Boamah Evans (University of Lancaster)


Discussion led by Guoli Chen

10:05 – 10:15 AM, ET


10:15 – 10:45 AM, ET

Organizational culture and wrongdoing: A view through the Glassdoor


Deepika Chillar (Gies School of Business, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)

Geoffrey Love (Gies School of Business, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)

Donald Sull (Sloan School of Management, MIT)

Matthew Kraatz (Gies School of Business, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)


Discussion led by Arianna Marchetti

10:45 – 11:15 AM, ET

AI Assistance, Employee Creativity, and Job Performance: Evidence from a Field Experiment


Nan Jia (Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California)

Xueming Luo (Temple University)

Fang Zheng (Sichuan University)

Han Chen (Temple University)


Discussion led by Phanish Puranam

11:15 AM – 12:00 PM

Poster sessions


Impact of Spam Bot on Code Acceptance in Self-organizing Communities Veeresh Thummadi (University College Cork)


Falling Asleep at the Wheel: Human/AI Collaboration in a Field Experiment on HR Recruiters

Fabrizio Dell’Acqua (Columbia Business School)


Ambiguity Can Compensate for Semantic Differences in Human-AI Communication

Ozgecan Kocak (Emory University)

Sanghyun Park (INSEAD)

Phanish Puranam (INSEAD)


A Comparative Study of Perceived Collaboration between Human-Human and Human-Machine Teams

Ruchika Mehra Jain (Delhi Technological University)

Dr Naval Garg (Delhi Technological University)

Dr Shikha N Khera (Delhi Technological University)


Learning among Groups of Specialists in H-AI Collaboration

Tom Steinberger (KAIST)

Chaehan So (Yonsei University)

Parallel Track 2: AI-Human Collaboration

Duration: 2 hours 10 minutes; 9:05 – 11:15 AM, ET

9:05 – 9:35 AM, ET

To engage or not to engage with AI for critical judgments: How professionals deal with opacity when using AI for medical diagnosis


Sarah Lebovitz (McIntire School of Commerce, University of Virginia)

Hila Lifshitz-Assaf (Stern School of Business, New York University)

Natalia Levina (Stern School of Business, New York University)


Discussion led by Nan Jia

9:35 – 10:05 AM, ET

How People Perceive and Judge Algorithmic Leadership?


Mohamadreza Hoseinpour (Rotterdam School of Management, Department of Technology and Operations Management)

Helge Klapper (Rotterdam School of Management, Department of Technology and Operations Management)

Daan Stam (Rotterdam School of Management, Department of Technology and Operations Management)


Discussion led by Kannan Srikanth

10:05 – 10:15 AM, ET


10:15-10:45 AM, ET

How Do Firms Respond To AI? An Empirical Investigation In The Mutual Fund Industry


Sreevathsan Sreedhar (London Business School)

Sendil Ethiraj (London Business School)


Discussion led by Nur Ahmed

10:45 – 11:15 AM, ET

How Does AI Improve Human Decision-Making? Evidence from the AI-Powered Go Program


Sukwoong Choi (Sloan School of Management, MIT Initiative on the Digital Economy)

Namil Kim (School of Management, Harbin Institute of Technology)

Junsik Kim (School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University)

Hyo Kang (Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California)


Discussion led by Thorbjørn Knudsen



Day 2, January 22, 2021 – 8:30 AM to 11:10 AM, ET


Parallel Track 1: AI as a phenomenon

Duration: 1 hours; 8:30 – 9:30 AM, ET

8.30 – 9:00 AM, ET

Theorizing AI Multiobjectivity as a Field-Level Framing Contest


Jacy Reese Anthis (University of Chicago)


Discussion led by Vivianna Fang He

9:00 – 9:30 AM, ET

Trigger Event and the Evolution of Scientific Research: Organizations Shaping Research in Artificial Intelligence


Nur Ahmed (Sloan School of Management, MIT)

Romel Mostafa (Ivey Business School, University of Western Ontario)


Discussion led by Andrea Contigiani

Parallel Track 2: AI and Organizations

Duration: 1 hours 30 minutes; 8:30 – 10:00 AM, ET

8.30 – 9:00 AM, ET

Values in the workplace: Do employees truly care? An unsupervised machine learning approach


Shahab Mousavi (Stanford University)

Riitta Katila (Stanford University)

Jorge Armenta (Stanford University)


Discussion led by Deepika Chhillar

9:00 – 9:30 AM, ET

Finding ecosystem fit when adopting AI: Evidence from the application of on-device AI technology in Apple’s ecosystem


Pengxiang Zhang (Peking University)

Liang Chen (University of Melbourne)

Sali Li (University of South Carolina)


Discussion led by Gurneeta Vasudeva

9:30 – 10:00 AM, ET

Algorithm-driven search: An attention-based perspective on AI for organizational exploration and exploitation


Ann-Katrin Eicke (University of Muenster, School of Business & Economics)


Discussion led by Maciej Workiewicz

10:00 – 10:10 AM, ET


10:10 – 11:10 AM, ET

Joint Plenary panel discussion for both parallel tracks


Research and publishing in AI & Strategy: Recent developments


Bart Vanneste (UCL)

Natalia Levina (NYU)

Riita Katila (Stanford University)

Vibha Gaba (INSEAD)


Moderator: Prithwiraj Choudhury (Harvard University)


Conference chairs:

Anand Nandkumar (anand_nandkumar@isb.edu)

Prithwiraj Choudhury (pchoudhury@hbs.edu)

Phanish Puranam (Phanish.puranam@insead.edu)


Conference Chair

Conference Chair:

Please contact the Conference chairs with any questions or suggestions:


Anand Nandkumar, Indian School of Business - Anand_Nandkumar@isb.edu

Prithwiraj Choudhury, Harvard Business School   - pchoudhury@hbs.edu

Phanish Puranam, INSEAD - Phanish.puranam@insead.edu