Indian School of Business (ISB) organised its first ever e- graduation ceremony for the Advanced Management Programmes (AMP) on June 28, 2020. 111 Students from of all four programmes under the AMP umbrella, Advanced Management Programme for Healthcare (AMPH), Advanced Management Programme for Infrastructure (AMPI), Advanced Management Programme for Manufacturing and Operations (AMPMO) and Advanced Management Programme in Public Policy (AMPPP) received their certificates. The ceremony was attended by the students, faculty, staff and select board members and was presided over by Mr Sunil Kant Munjal, Chairman, Mohali Campus and Mr Rajendra Srivastava, Dean, ISB. Also present were Mr Rakesh Bharti Mittal, Member Advisory Council (BIPP), Prof. Ashwini Chhatre, Executive Director, Bharti Institute of Public Policy, Prof. Sarang Deo, Executive Director, Max Institute of Healthcare, Prof. Chandan Chowdhary, Executive Director Punj-Lloyd Institute of Infrastructure & Munjal Institute of Manufacturing.
Professor Ramabhadran S Thirumalai, Senior Associate Dean, Academic Programmes welcomed the students to the historic e-graduation, the first of its kind. This was followed by the Valedictorian Speeches by the respective Class Representatives of the four batches: Siddharth Vijayaraghavan (AMPH), Madhava Sripada (AMPI), Sanit Jain (AMPMO) and Vijaya Laksmi Nadendla (AMPPP).
Professor Rajendra Srivastava, Dean, ISB and talked of how we are in unprecedented times, and it is time to re-imagine the future and learn from the future and be future-ready. He quoted Winston Churchil “You should never waste a good crisis”, and said that the students have an opportunity to think how things can be different. ‘Learn to learn’, he advised the students to follow ISB’s principle in their careers and to always be agile and resilient.
Mr Sunil Kant Munjal, Chairman, Mohali Campus Advisory Board ISB and Chairman, Hero Enterprises addressed the graduands online. “You should change before you have to”, he quoted Jack Welch and emphasised on how we are being forced to change because of Covid-19, which went on to show the best and the worst of humanity. ‘We have a depth inside all of us which is genetic, which we have had for civilisations. Keep alive the spirit of can-do, service to the world, razor-sharp focus on your objective and use your experience, including failures. I wish you all well in your careers and in life’, he said.
Prof Sudhir Voleti, Associate Professor, Marketing; Associate Dean - Faculty Alignment and Registrar's Office (FARO) gave the vote of thanks.
The unprecedented crisis because of Covid-19 led to the organisation of the E-Graduation ceremony to award certificates to the students on successful completion of their respective programmes. The actual graduation ceremony shall be held on campus as and when the situation restores to normal.
Indian School of Business (ISB) organised its first ever e- graduation ceremony for the Advanced Management Programmes (AMP) on June 28, 2020. 111 Students from of all four programmes under the AMP umbrella, Advanced Management Programme for Healthcare (AMPH), Advanced Management Programme for Infrastructure (AMPI), Advanced Management Programme for Manufacturing and Operations (AMPMO) and Advanced Management Programme in Public Policy (AMPPP) received their certificates. The ceremony was attended by the students, faculty, staff and select board members and was presided over by Mr Sunil Kant Munjal, Chairman, Mohali Campus and Mr Rajendra Srivastava, Dean, ISB. Also present were Mr Rakesh Bharti Mittal, Member Advisory Council (BIPP), Prof. Ashwini Chhatre, Executive Director, Bharti Institute of Public Policy, Prof. Sarang Deo, Executive Director, Max Institute of Healthcare, Prof. Chandan Chowdhary, Executive Director Punj-Lloyd Institute of Infrastructure & Munjal Institute of Manufacturing.
Professor Ramabhadran S Thirumalai, Senior Associate Dean, Academic Programmes welcomed the students to the historic e-graduation, the first of its kind. This was followed by the Valedictorian Speeches by the respective Class Representatives of the four batches: Siddharth Vijayaraghavan (AMPH), Madhava Sripada (AMPI), Sanit Jain (AMPMO) and Vijaya Laksmi Nadendla (AMPPP).
Professor Rajendra Srivastava, Dean, ISB and talked of how we are in unprecedented times, and it is time to re-imagine the future and learn from the future and be future-ready. He quoted Winston Churchil “You should never waste a good crisis”, and said that the students have an opportunity to think how things can be different. ‘Learn to learn’, he advised the students to follow ISB’s principle in their careers and to always be agile and resilient.
Mr Sunil Kant Munjal, Chairman, Mohali Campus Advisory Board ISB and Chairman, Hero Enterprises addressed the graduands online. “You should change before you have to”, he quoted Jack Welch and emphasised on how we are being forced to change because of Covid-19, which went on to show the best and the worst of humanity. ‘We have a depth inside all of us which is genetic, which we have had for civilisations. Keep alive the spirit of can-do, service to the world, razor-sharp focus on your objective and use your experience, including failures. I wish you all well in your careers and in life’, he said.
Prof Sudhir Voleti, Associate Professor, Marketing; Associate Dean - Faculty Alignment and Registrar's Office (FARO) gave the vote of thanks.
The unprecedented crisis because of Covid-19 led to the organisation of the E-Graduation ceremony to award certificates to the students on successful completion of their respective programmes. The actual graduation ceremony shall be held on campus as and when the situation restores to normal.