You may access the LRC site via intranet portal when you are in the campus, and off campus access is facilitated through RemoteXs.
Yes, your spouse and children may access the LRC resources on producing the valid student's ID card.
You may take photocopy of limited pages from a book or an article from journal for your personal reference purpose in accordance with the fair use of copyright policy/IPR laws.
Term books are the required and recommended text books suggested by a faculty for a particular term. The copies of the same will be available at LRC for reference purposes only.
Yes, you may send your suggestion for a book or any other resources to LRC. We will review the suggestions received from time to time and add the resources to the LRC collection as per our resource development policy
You may return the resources at the LRC Circulation Counters across the ISB campuses.
You may not be able to borrow the current and immediate term related text books, current issues of journals, magazines and materials kept in the reference category.
You may find the relevant article of your interest by browsing Management Literature databases.
The full text access to HBR, MIT and CMR articles are accessible through the database – EBSCO Business Source Ultimate.
You may access Business News information about a company through the databases - Factiva, Capital IQ, and MarketLine, etc.
You may get the company financial information through Capital IQ, Compustat, Bloomberg, Thomson Reuters Eikon, and Calcbench databases.
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