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Provides access to institutional common stock holdings and transactions, as reported on form 13F filed with the SEC. This database is formerly known as CDA/Spectrum 34 database and contains ownership information by institutional managers with $100 million or more in assets under management (Section 13(f) Securities) data back from 1980.
Access Type: Individual registration required (registration link), accessible through WRDS platform | Off-campus access through RemoteXs
Provides access to detailed data related to Audits, Compliance, Governance, Corporate Actions, and Federal Litigation. The database covers research on over 150,000 active audits and more than 10,000 accounting firms.
Access Type: Individual registration required (registration link), accessible through WRDS platform | Off-campus access through RemoteXs
Tracks and analyzes real-time drug development pipeline in the pharma and biotech industries. This database covers comprehensive market events, catalysts data, commercial analysis, company deals & alliances, regulatory reports, conference reports, and topical reports on the key disease areas and industry trends.
Access Type: Limited access
Provides access to credit research, credit ratings, macroeconomic and financial fundamental data, country risk research and indices, Industry Research and SWOT analysis, Financial Implied Ratings, and news service. The database covers more than 77,000 published industry research reports, 1,68,000 credit research reports in 22 industry sectors over 200+ countries.
Access Type: Single-Sign On (SSO) access. | Off-campus access through RemoteXs
CB Insights database provides information on startups, VC firms, patents, partnerships & more. It provides 300K+ companies with comprehensive data to proprietary venture investment, M&A, patent, earnings transcript, and market sizing datasets. Search tools allows user to retrieve quantitative investment data of investment firms, private companies, and individual investors.
Access Type: IP based access, Contact LRC for registration | Off-campus access through RemoteXs
Provides access to CRSP’s stock data and Compustat’s Xpressfeed fundamental data within a single linked database. The coverage includes the historical matching of the CRSP market on more than 32,000 securities for both inactive and active companies from the NYSE, NYSE American, NASDAQ, and NYSE Arca exchanges and corporate action data with Compustat fundamental data.
Access Type: Individual registration required (registration Link), accessible through WRDS platform. | Off-campus access through RemoteXs
The coverage includes daily and monthly market and corporate action data for over 32,000 active and inactive securities with primary listings on the NYSE, NYSE American, NASDAQ, NYSE Arca, and Bats exchanges and CRSP broad market indexes.
Exchange Coverage:
· NYSE - All data series begin on December 31, 1925
· NYSE American - All data series begin on July 2, 1962
· NASDAQ - All data series begin on December 14, 1972
· NYSE Arca – All data series begin March 8, 2006
· Bats - All data series begin January 24, 2012
Access Type: Individual registration required (registration link), accessible through WRDS platform. | Off-campus access through RemoteXs
The DealScan database contains comprehensive historical information on loan pricing and contracts details, terms, and conditions. Loan information is collected from public and proprietary sources such as regulatory filings and Refinitiv League tables
Access Type: Individual registration required (registration link)accessible through WRDS platform | off-campus access through RemoteXs
EMIS provides access to over 9.4 million private & public companies' profiles globally and deep-level sector reports from various market research, macroeconomic data, M&A and ECM Deals data, and news from local and global resources for over 125 emerging markets.
Access Type: IP based access, one-time registration with institution email id off-campus access through RemoteXs
ETIG covers economic and business research information on India. It exhibits macro-economic and sectoral research on Indian business. The scope of business analysis spans across various angles – sectoral, firm level, macro-economic, process and functional. It carries research from all those top Indian research houses on economic research, market and consumer research, equity research etc.
Access Type: concurrent user access | Off-campus access through RemoteXs
Provides access to strategic intelligence on industries, companies, economies, and consumers for more than 200 countries and territories, providing actionable business insight covering data and analysis on consumer behavior, brand share, competitors, market shares.
Access Type: IP based access | Off-campus access through RemoteXs
Performs event studies using data read directly from CRSP stock databases or pre-extracted from any source. The Eventus system includes utility programs to convert calendar dates to CRSP trading day numbers, convert CUSIP identifiers to CRSP permanent identification numbers, and extract event study cumulative or compounded abnormal returns for cross-sectional analysis. Eventus software is available for Windows (PC SAS required).
Access Type: Individual registration required (registration link), accessible through WRDS platform. | Off-campus access through RemoteXs
FactSet Revere Supply Chain Relationships data exposes and classifies the business relationships and interconnections among global companies. Relationship information is sourced from trusted primary sources and reverse-linked to non-disclosing parties, creating a comprehensive and consistent relationship graph through time. Normalization of relationships into 4 main categories (customer, supplier, partner, competitor) and 13 sub-types allows for precise categorization from either company’s perspective, while relationship keywords, relevance ranking and known revenue dependencies provide meaningful relationship-specific context.
Individual registration required (registration link), Accessible through WRDS platform, Off-campus access through RemoteXs
Provides access to in-depth research coverage of the industries which include aerospace & defense, automotive & transportation, chemicals, materials, and food; electronics & security; energy & power supplies, environment & building technologies, healthcare, industrial automation & process control, etc. The resource does also provide access to the services economic research & analytics, market engineering research, technical research, financial benchmarking and analysis, and market insights.
Access Type: IP based access | Off-campus access through RemoteXs
IBES Guidance directly compares analyst and management expectations on company performance for over 8,200 companies, safe in the knowledge that they are using the same accounting basis for consistent analysis.
Access Type: Individual registration required (registration link)accessible through WRDS platform | off-campus access through RemoteXs
Provides access to reports and data on global digital trends in Advertising & Marketing, E-Commerce & Retail, Financial Services, Health, Technology, and other sectors with historical data and four years forecast. The information covers online consumer spending, time spent online, and access to thousands of datasets via iconic charts.
Access Type: campus wide IP based access | Off-campus access through RemoteXs
Provides access to the datasets identified as Governance, Directors, Shareholder proposals, and Voting Results legacy data for the S&P 1500. The database covers information on takeover defense, other corporate governance provisions data from 1997, Director's profiles data from 1996, shareholder proposals from 1997, company vote results from 1997-2006 for major US firms.
Access Type: Individual registration required (Registration Link), accessible through WRDS platform. | Off-campus access through RemoteXs
Table provides a reliable means to join CRSP Mutual Fund (MFDB) data that covers mutual fund performance, expenses, and related information to equity holdings data in the Mutual Fund Ownership Data (MFDA) – formerly known as the TFN/CDA S12 datasets.
Access Type: Individual registration required (Registration link), accessible through WRDS platform. | Off-campus access through RemoteXs
Table provides a reliable means to join CRSP Mutual Fund (MFDB) data that covers mutual fund performance, expenses, and related information to equity holdings data in the Mutual Fund Ownership Data (MFDA) – formerly known as the TFN/CDA S12 datasets.
Access Type: Individual registration required (registration link), accessible through WRDS platform. | Off-campus access through RemoteXs
Provides access to security holding information for all registered mutual funds that report their holdings with the SEC, plus 3,000 global funds. The reported securities include NYSE/AMEX/NASDAQ, Toronto, and Montreal common stocks. It covers a history of each mutual fund’s name, investment style, fee structure, holdings, asset allocation, monthly total returns, monthly total net assets, monthly/daily net asset values, and dividends. Additionally, schedules of rear and front load fees, asset class codes, and management company contact information are provided.
Access Type: Individual registration (registration link), accessible through WRDS platform. | Off-campus access through RemoteXs
IvyDB is a comprehensive database of historical price, implied volatility, and sensitivity information for the entire US-listed index, ETF, and equity options markets. It includes historical data for all US-listed equities and market indices and all US-listed index, ETFs, and equity options from 1996 till the present. The data files are updated nightly to reflect new closing prices, dividend payments or other corporate actions, option contract expirations, new listings, or other changes. The product has been designed to provide data of the highest obtainable quality, suitable for empirical and/or econometric studies of the options markets, development and testing of option trading strategies, and options research support.
Access Type: Individual registration required (registration link), accessible through WRDS platform. | Off-campus access through RemoteXs
covers pharma R&D across global markets for 35+ years. With 68,000+ drug profiles, including 15,000 drugs in active development, it’s the go-to resource for preclinical, clinical, pipeline coverage, and lifecycle management tracking. Pharmaprojects’ intuitive interface supports fast access to drug development results for specific diseases, companies, and countries.
Access Type: Limited access
Provides access to more than 1 million statistics from over 22,500 sources (including national and international data) on over 80,000 topics in 177 multidisciplinary categories, more than 7,000 Statista Dossiers and Industry Reports, and 41,000 studies & reports from third parties.
Access Type: IP based single user access | Off-campus access through RemoteXs
Tracxn is a leading Private Market Research Platform that provides comprehensive insights into the startup ecosystem. With data covering over 4.01M+ companies, 567K+ funding transactions, and 201K+ investor profiles, including VCs, PEs, and more. It offers a detailed view of global investment activities. The platform tracks over 206K+ acquisitions and spans 3,000+ sectors globally. With coverage across 30+ geographies, Tracxn is an invaluable resource for students and professionals interested in startups, emerging industries, and investment trends
Access Type: Individual registration required (registration link)accessible through WRDS platform | off-campus access through RemoteXs
Provides news and intelligent analysis related to Indian investments, M&A, venture capital, private equity, investment banking, public equity, and innovative business models.
Access Type: Limited access (Contact LRC). | Off-campus access through RemoteXs
provides researchers worldwide with instant access to financial, economic, and marketing data through a uniform, web-based interface. WRDS data is compiled from independent sources that specialize in specific historical data. Some sources include Capital IQ, NYSE, CRSP, Refinitiv, ISS, and more. WRDS also contains stock market indices, bond prices and interest rates, mutual fund and stock ownership information, options data, and a wide array of macroeconomic time series. International data, marketing, and industry reports are also available on WRDS.
Access Type: Individual registration (registration Link), accessible through WRDS platform. | Off-campus access through RemoteXs
The coverage includes more than 4300 active indexed and abstracted journals, out of which 2900 are peer-reviewed, nearly 140,000 business videos from publishers like Harvard business publishing and the academy of management. The database provides access to the core academic journals in full text, Industry and company profiles, trade publications, case studies, SWOT analysis, etc.
Access Type: IP based access | Off-campus access through RemoteXs
Provides access to the case journal, emerging markets case studies, and apart from it includes international business cases providing unlimited access to a growing and evolving digital library of over 2500 real-world case studies on a wide range of industries spanning the business and management disciplines across the globe.
Access Type: IP based access | Off-campus access through RemoteXs
Provides digital access to archives of scholarly journals of more than 12 million academic journal articles, more than 2600 top scholarly journals, 1,00,000 e-books from 250+ renowned scholarly publishers.
Access Type: campus wide IP based access | Off-campus access through RemoteXs
National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) is a compilation of working papers in full-text. Archive from 1994.
comprises ABI/INFORM collection, entrepreneurship database, business video database, JPMorgan research, and business market research collection. The database features more than 2600 full-text journals, 25k e-books, 21k business videos, 55k dissertations, working papers, key business and economics periodicals such as The Economist, country-and industry-focused reports.
Access Type: IP based access | Off-campus access through RemoteXs
Provides electronic full-text articles from 119 premier journals published by APA and allied organizations that are not sold separately. Currently, the PsycArticles collection contains more than 2,25,000 full-text peer-reviewed articles published from 1894 to the present in the area of psychiatry and psychology.
Access Type: IP based access | Off-campus access through RemoteXs
largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature covering over 25,000 active, including 6,000 open access journals from more than 5,000 international publishers, 46+ million patent links, and 83+ million records. Delivering a comprehensive overview of the world's research output in the fields of science, technology, medicine, social sciences, and arts and humanities, Scopus features innovative tools to track, analyze and visualize research.
Access Type: IP based access. | Off-campus access through RemoteXs
Social Science Research Network (SSRN) is a worldwide collaborative of leading scholars devoted to the rapid worldwide dissemination of social science research. A collection of working paper series from the global academic institutions.
Access Type: IP based access | Off-campus access through RemoteXs
Ebook Central is an ebook lending platform provides access to all subject areas from major publishers worldwide, including Taylor & Francis, Palgrave Macmillan, Cambridge University Press, Kluwer Academic, Springer and others. Ebook Central offers full-text search capability across the database.
Access Type: IP based access | Off-campus access through RemoteXs
Books at JSTOR offers more than 75,000 ebooks from renowned scholarly publishers, integrated with journals and primary sources on JSTOR’s easy-to-use platform.
Access Type: IP based access | Off-campus access through RemoteXs
This growing subscription package contains a large selection of multidisciplinary eBook titles representing a broad range of academic subject matter, and is a strong complement for any academic collection. The breadth of information available through this package ensures that users will have access to information relevant to their research needs
Access Type: IP based access | Off-campus access through RemoteXs
BoardEx provides access to comprehensive global board and relationship intelligence collected and curated over 20 years. It covers the detail of the educational background, prior employment, and connections of directors and executives. Analyze the proportion of politically connected directors using CEO-level controls such as age, gender, and experience. It also provides access to executive stock option holdings.
Access Type: Individual registration required (registration link), accessible through WRDS platform. | Off-campus access through RemoteXs
Covers real-time data on all markets and securities with information across asset classes, from fixed income to equities, foreign exchange, commodities, and derivatives. The database provides trading solutions, business news, and research offerings, including direct access to sell-side and independent research from more than 1,500 sources. The analyst-driven research offers a comprehensive view of industries and their key constituents.
Access Type: single terminal access, anywhere through user login (one time registration required with the institute email ID)
Provides access to all types of corporate disclosures—10-Q, 10-K, 8-K, earnings releases, proxy statements, etc., for more than 12,000 U.S. listed businesses with the power of XBRL giving direct line into the SEC’s corporate financial data repository.
Access Type: IP based access (one time registration required with the institute email ID) | Off-campus access through RemoteXs
The coverage includes detailed financial data for more than 62,000+ public companies, including 47,000+active with current financials and 1M private companies. The database provides detailed access to financial data, SEC filings, SEDAR filings, ASX filings, annual reports, M&A transactions, equity offerings, private equity fundraisings, market, and industry analysis, etc.
Access Type: IP based access (one time registration required with the institute email ID) | Off-campus access through RemoteXs
Provides access to standardized North American and global financial statements and market data for over 80,000 active and inactive publicly traded companies for over 50 years. The database contains financial data items, including general company information and complete financial statements (balance sheet, income statement, cash flows, etc.)
Access Type: Individual registration required (registration link), accessible through WRDS platform. | Off-campus access through RemoteXs
Provides up to 20 years of annual and 12 years of quarterly data history for approximately 2,000 North American banks and savings & loan institutions. Bank fundamentals (yearly and quarterly) include financial, statistical, and market information on the largest and most important banks in the United States, including a wide range of fundamental and technical data.
Access Type: Individual registration required (registration link), accessible through WRDS platform. | Off-campus access through RemoteXs
The coverage includes customer segments viz. customer name, customer type, customer sales, etc. Historical segments cover business segments, geographic segments, and operating data for active and inactive publicly traded companies from 1950.
Access Type: Individual registration required (registration link), accessible through WRDS platform. | Off-campus access through RemoteXs
Provides complete details on CSR spending for all NSE listed companies from 2014 onwards and companies exclusively listed on BSE with a market capitalization of more than Rs.1000 crore as of 1st April 2019. The data coverage includes CSR board committee details, break-up of spends - activity-wise, schedule-wise, and state-wise (along with the name of cities/districts/villages), including details of the projects/activities providing break-up of the amount spent directly and through implementing agency.
Access Type: IP based access | Off-campus access through RemoteXs
Provides access to 360-degree perspectives of companies, industries, countries, and cities worldwide covering the information on various sectors - automotive, consumer, financial services, pharmaceutical, healthcare, retail, technology, telecom industries, etc.
Access Type: IP based access | Off-campus access through RemoteXs
The database covers extensive, transparent executive compensation data, including current, historical, total compensation, executive options, and compensation of industry peers for over 2500 companies covering from 1994 onwards for S&P 1500 companies and S&P 500 data back to 1992.
Access Type: Individual registration required (registration link), accessible through WRDS platform. | Off-campus access through RemoteXs
The Institutional Brokers Estimate System (I/B/E/S) is a unique service that monitors companies' earnings estimates of interest to institutional investors. The database provides Historical earnings estimates for global companies, including U.S. company data back to 1976, and international data back to 1987. Access detailed and consensus company earnings forecasts and stock recommendations from 950 contributors across 100+ markets.
Access Type: Individual registration required (registration link), accessible through WRDS platform. | Off-campus access through RemoteXs
The database provides access to unique data and analytics include detailed comparable information on incentive awards, including performance metrics, performance goals, and payout structures on all incentive pay. It covers the largest 1,200 active U.S. companies every year with historical data back to 1998.
Access Type: Individual registration required (registration link), accessible through WRDS platform. | Off-campus access through RemoteXs
Provides single-point access to information on the boards of 1922 companies listed at NSE and companies exclusively listed on BSE with a market capitalization of more than Rs.1000 crore as of 1st April 2019 and more than 200 prominent unlisted financial sector companies since 2006. The database covers the details of board’s composition, positions held, dates of appointment, tenure, committee details, remuneration data, cessations/resignations and board evaluation details, etc.
Access Type: campus wide IP based access | Off-campus access through RemoteXs
Provides access to the datasets identified as Governance, Directors, Shareholder proposals, and Voting Results legacy data for the S&P 1500. The database covers information on takeover defense, other corporate governance provisions data from 1997, Director's profiles data from 1996, shareholder proposals from 1997, company vote results from 1997-2006 for major US firms.
Access Type: Individual registration required (Registration Link), accessible through WRDS platform. | Off-campus access through RemoteXs
Provides access to global real-time data covering more than five million global instruments, including stocks, mutual funds, ETFs, closed-end funds, Forex, options, fixed-income, indexes, and other security types.
Access Type: Limited access. Contact NSE trading lab/LRC.
Prowess DX delivers data for about 50,000 Indian companies. This includes listed companies, unlisted public companies and private companies of all sizes and ownership groups. It contains time-series data since 1990. Prowess DX facilitates easy downloading of the data in simple text format.
Access Type: IP based access (one time registration required with the institute email ID) | Off-campus access through RemoteXs
Provides information on over 50,000 listed and non-listed companies in India. The coverage includes public, private, co-operative, and joint sector companies, listed and non-listed. It provides financial statements, ratio analysis, funds flows, product profiles, returns and risks on the stock markets, etc., and it contains the data from 1989.
Access Type: IP based access (one time registration required with the institute email ID) | Off-campus access through RemoteXs
leading data analytics provider for financial services. Using proprietary Natural Language Processing (NLP) technology, RavenPack helps users extract valuable insights quickly and easily by transforming their unstructured text into structured data.
Access Type: Limited access
Provides users with a robust database for analyzing investment banking and deal trends, identifying comparable deals, monitoring deal activity, and generating industry-leading league tables and market-share analysis. It covers 1.3 million global M&A transactions since the 1970s, 1.07 million + bond deals since the 1960s, Over 400,000 equity capital markets new issues since the 1980s, Over 380,000 global corporate loan transactions since the 1980s, Approximately 655,000 US municipal new issues, and international public financings since the 1960s, 200,000 global joint ventures and strategic alliances, 37,000+ US repurchase programs since 1985, Over 6,000 global shareholder activism campaigns, Over 12,400 poison pill adoptions, and amendments.
Access Type: Limited Access. Contact LRC.
Provides access to comprehensive private and public company financial data and private equity, venture capital, M&A, ECM, and debt transactions data, and key developments of companies. The coverage also includes detailed deal analysis reports of private equity, venture capital, M&A, and equity capital market deals in India, with the sector and region-wise analysis from 2010 onwards.
Access Type: Limited Access. Contact LRC.
Workspace provides various financial data, news, analytics, and productivity tools. Whether you prefer desktop, web, or mobile, you can enjoy a personalized experience that suits your needs. The integrated developer environment enables flexible data usage and analysis with modern APIs and popular languages like Python. You'll also have access to real-time market-sensitive news alerts on politics, economics, markets, banking, and over 50,000 public companies, as well as expert market analysis from Reuters Stock Buzz, FX Buzz, and more.
Access Type: Limited access. Contact LRC.
provides in-depth intelligence on what it's really like to work in an industry, company, or profession and how to position yourself to land that job. It covers comprehensive information, including ranking and profiles, ratings and reviews, industry & profession overviews, career articles, resume & interview tips, industry, career, and employer guides and also connect with experienced mentors who offer resume critiques, mock interviews, firsthand knowledge of roles and industries, and more.
Access Type: campus wide access (one time registration required with the institute email ID) | Off-campus access through RemoteXs
The ET Prime is a members-only business storytelling platform from the house of The Economic Times providing specialized information on technology, media, telecom, pharmaceuticals, automobiles, finance, economic trends, climate change, etc. Users can read ETPrime on the desktop and mobile websites - ET Android and iOS apps.
Access Type: IP based access | Off-campus access through RemoteXs
Provides access to premier collection of the world's top media outlets, trade and consumer publications, and thousands of websites - more than 33,000 global news and information sources from 200 countries in 28 languages. The resource does also provide in-depth company, executive, and industry profiles, expert analysis, market data, and detailed reports.
Access Type: concurrent user access | Off-campus access through RemoteXs
Provides access to latest news and data from the world's leading business website that focuses on business and current economic affairs.
Access Type: campus wide access (one time registration required with the institute email ID) | Off-campus access through RemoteXs
PressReader provides digital versions of over 7,000 newspapers and magazines in more than 60 languages through the applications such as iOS, Android, Windows, and Mac, etc. It also covers the digital editions of newspapers and magazines for publishers, including The New York, The Washington Post, and The Globe and Mail.
Access Type: IP/Domain based access
Focuses on current affairs, international business, politics, and technology news articles. The database provides access to opinion columns, special reports, political cartoons, reader letters, cover stories, art critique, book reviews, and technology features. Discover news about world-leading political and business figures.
Access Type: IP/Domain based access
It publishes one original story from India every weekday for its subscribers from technology, startups, business, science & healthcare.
Access Type: campus wide access (one time registration required with the institute email ID) | Off-campus access through RemoteXs
WSJ online covers breaking news and current headlines from the US and worldwide. Top stories, photos, videos, detailed analysis, and in-depth reporting.
Access Type: IP based access, (one time registration required with the institute email ID) | Off-campus access through RemoteXs
Provides strategic news and business research content from more than 45,000 publications. The database does cover 45+ years of news archive contents, and business information, company reports, financial reports, legal documents, more than 83 billion public records aggregated from 10,000+ sources, covering more than 200 countries.
Access Type: Limited access
Well-known news source dedicated to helping people to understand the world through their expert and deeply reported independent journalism.
Access Type: campus wide access, (one time registration required with the institute email ID) | Off-campus access through RemoteXs
Provides access to information on implementing new capacity-building projects in India. The coverage includes the history of implementation of projects since 1995 and tracked over 60,000 projects, including the completed, and many others that are still in their implementation stages.
Access Type: IP based access (one time registration required with the institute email ID) | Off-campus access through RemoteXs
The consortium for the advancement of research methods and analysis (CARMA), is an interdisciplinary consortium that provides access to the recorded webcast of advanced training lectures in research methods and data analysis relevant to the management and organizational sciences.
Access Type: IP based access (one time registration required with the institute email ID) | Off-campus access through RemoteXs
Provides access to more than 5,00,000 time-series data on the Indian economy. The coverage includes economic and sectors at national and state levels, and few data points are covered at the district and city levels. The database provides the relevant data for policymaking - state monthly financial data, state development loans, Prime Ministers Jan Dhan Yojana data, PM Agriculture finance data, and many exciting survey data from RBI like OBICUS survey, and inflation expectation households, Professional forecasters survey data, etc.
Access Type: IP based access (one time registration required with the institute email ID) | Off-campus access through RemoteXs
The database delivers record-level data of an extensive household survey conducted in India providing data collected from an all-India representative sample of over 170,000 households. The coverage includes the following types of datasets – people of India, composition of incomes, household income, expenses, amenities, assets, and liabilities from the first wave conducted during January-April 2016.
Access Type: IP based access (one time registration required with the institute email ID) | Off-campus access through RemoteXs
The coverage includes Macro-economic Performance, Sectoral Performance, and Financial Market Performance data on the current state of the Indian economy. The complete set of indicators, including all frequencies and derivations, add up to over 2.9 million time series.
Access Type: IP based access (one time registration required with the institute email ID) | Off-campus access through RemoteXs
The database covers timeseries data comprising over 50,000 variables capsuled in 20 modules - national account's statistics of India, domestic product of states of India, price indices, agricultural statistics, annual survey of industries, industrial production series, external sector, financial markets, banking statistics, insurance, finances of government of India, finances of state governments in India, combined government finances, and power sector.
Access Type: concurrent user access. | Off-campus access through RemoteXs
Grammarly’s sophisticated AI corrects grammatical mistakes, makes writing more understandable and helps make the right impression on the reader based on audience and goals. In addition, Grammarly checks the tone of correspondence, provides synonym suggestions to make the text more readable and precise, and even checks documents for plagiarism.
Access Type: campus wide access, (one time registration required with the institute email ID)
Provides access to more than 1100 specially prepared, animated, online, audio-visual lectures and case studies by leading experts from commerce, industry, the professions, and academia. The lectures and case studies are suitable for inclusion in courses and as additional learning material, including blended learning and flipped classroom programme.
Access Type: IP based access | Off-campus access through RemoteXs
The Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) data is one of the oldest and largest social science data archives platforms that cover 15000+ studies, more than 2,50,000 research files in the social and behavioral sciences. It hosts 21 specialized data collections in education, aging, criminal justice, substance abuse, terrorism, and other fields from more than 780+ member institutions, including hundreds of universities, foundations, government institutions, nonprofits, etc.
Access Type: campus wide domain-based access, (one time registration required with the institute email ID)
India Data Portal 2.0, a state-of-the- art platform re-engineered to revolutionise data accessibility, analysis, and visualisation. ISB’s India Data Portal initiative has become the country’s first-ever data destination dedicated to public service, providing LDG-mapped, geo-coded time series data. It holds higher spatial granular data beyond the village level, sourced from Government of India and its ministries, departments, and regulatory bodies. There are more than 170 datasets, over 5000 indicators categorised under 25 diverse domains including - economy, socio-economic, finance, financial inclusion, elections, climate and weather, commerce, crime, education, food and agriculture, forestry and wildlife, government schemes, health, nutrition, rural development, union budget, and various others.
Access Type: Open Source | Registration Link
The database provides access to comprehensive compilation of secondary level socio-economic statistical information about India and its states on various socio-economic parameters. The coverage of the parameter includes General Info, Demographics, Economy, Agriculture, Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs, Environment and Forest, Industries, Infrastructure, Companies, Education, Health, Housing, Labour & Workforce, Polity, Media, Insurance, Tourism, Crime & Law, Social Welfare & Developmental Schemes, etc.
Access Type: IP based single user access | Off-campus access through RemoteXs
Offers a global perspective on consumption and media usage, covering online and offline consumer activities, and the data comprises over 1 million interviews in 56 countries and regions. The online analysis tool allows you to create your target groups and analyses with just a few clicks.
Access Type: IP based single user access | Off-campus access through RemoteXs
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