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The course will introduce the students to the salience of climate change on business in three dimensions. First, students will learn about changes in physical risks and hazards as a consequence of climate change. Second, the course will focus on institutional dimensions of the human response to climate change, with a focus on regulatory mandates for reducing carbon emissions. Finally, we will focus on new opportunities - both technological and financial - for business that are intended to usher in the new low-carbon economy. Instead of moving sequentially through these three dimensions, the sessions are designed to consider all three simultaneously, in order to better understand the impact of change change on business. By the end of the course, students should expect to gain enough knowledge about these issues to be able to identify threats and opportunities arising from climate change in economic sectors of their interest.
Investment in infrastructure is necessary for growth. However, because of the fiscal resource crunch, time and cost over-runs, and the general poor quality of publicly provided infrastructure, governments, the world over, have invited the private sector to take on infrastructure provisioning responsibilities. Private provision of public services has taken the form, most often, of Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) in infrastructure. The course aims at providing participants with a clear understanding of infrastructure challenges, how PPPs can help, and their use in practice. To internalize the concepts, participants would be expected to analyze and make presentations on assigned case studies.
Students in this course will come to appreciate the (1) complexity of the food system, (2) role of different actors in changing it, and (3) impact of our individual and collective choices today as consumers on the future of food. During this course, each student shall be able to (1) identify key issues in prominent debates around food, (2) develop a perspective that is supported with relevant information, and (3) draw and evaluate conclusions. Also, the students shall be able to identify ethical issues embedded in global and national food debates, understand the impact of a particular issue on multiple stakeholders, recognize the rights and responsibilities of the stakeholders, and systematically analyse the pros and cons of any decision related to the ethical issue. With respect to awareness of global issues, the students shall be able to identify key relevant global factors in the dynamic food system and be able to analyse the impact of individual and collective choices.