
About Assurance of Learning (AoL)

What is AoL?

Assurance of Learning (AoL) is the process towards continuous improvement of a program.

The primary purpose of doing AoL is ensuring that students have achieved the goals we have set.

The process entails the program to - define its learning goals, assess student achievement for these goals, and utilize what is learned through assessment to continually improve its curriculum.

About AoL

Why AoL?

The AoL process is a systematic process towards the continuous curriculum review and improvement of a programme. The focus is the programme.

AoL process achieves accreditation, accountability and continuous improvement. 

Accreditation – AACSB accreditation requires AoL as part of its standards fulfilment.

Accountability - Measures of learning can assure external constituents such as potential students, trustees, public officials, supporters, and accreditors, that the institute strives to meet its goals.

Continuous Improvement - By measuring learning, the school can evaluate its students’ success at achieving learning goals and can use the measures to plan improvement efforts.

ISB Programmes have set key programme level learning goals, which are embedded in the curriculum and pedagogy. These goals help in providing a holistic learning experience to the students. 

AoL seeks to answer the following questions for the stakeholders:

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