Healthcare, including public health, is changing due to new financing and policy landscape, emerging digital technologies, and increasing transfusion of best practices from other sectors. During the COVID-19 pandemic, even the best health systems globally faced challenges that have thrown up opportunities for improvement.
Public Health Leaders need more thoughtful and iterative problem-solving practices, which cannot be addressed through disease specific training that forms the bulk of public health training today. To infuse integrative thinking, innovation, and problem-solving abilities within public health officers, carefully designed management modules in the context of individual health systems are essential.
Spaced learning, i.e., gaps of time between learning periods allowing the opportunity for review and reflection, enabling long-term retention of learnings. Participants will follow the “Learn – Do – Reflect – Review” learning flow.
Learning implementation assignments: Learners must apply concepts learned in the classroom to gain confidence in transferring learning to work implementation. This can be enabled through projects and / or assignments.
Case study methodology: Using case studies from the Indian public health context allows learners to discuss the application of healthcare management principles in their immediate work environment. This involves the development of new case studies that can meet the program's learning objectives.
Workshops: Activity-based workshops for skill building as an extension of classroom learning.
Study trek on Healthcare Technology and Innovation: Allows participants to visit and interact with innovators (both technology and non-technology). This component will adopt the “Go – See – Interact – Learn” learning pattern.
Sowmya Shashidhara
Senior Associate Director - Max Institute of Healthcare Management
Indian School of Business
Email: Sowmya_Shashidhara@isb.edu