From the following segments but not limited to:
Candidates from Govt. Sector
All India Civil Services: IAS, IPS, IRS, IFS, IFoS etc.
State Government Officials
Defense and Police
Note: AMPPP is approved by the DoPT and every year various government departments (sponsoring authority) nominate officials for the programme
Candidates from Private Sector
Multilateral agencies (UN, World Bank, ADB etc)
Non-Government Organisations (Indian and International)
Foundations and Think Tanks
Consulting firms
Senior Industry Executives
Political Party Representatives
12 months modular programme delivered in a blended format.
4 residencies ( 9 days x 4 residency – 36 Days) in 2 locations ( Hyderabad and Mohali)
Residential and visiting faculty from ISB, Bharti Institute of Public Policy, Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University, and subject-matter experts from the industry.
Exceptional peer group with average work experience of 18 years from 20+ states.
An interaction with the policy makers, a visit to the people who matter and who are at the helm of affairs when it comes to policy formulation and implementation
Capstone Project: Addressing a relevant problem of public policy and advocating the best interventions to discourse specific objective, by applying specific takeaways from the courses