Neha Chaudhary is a banking professional and working with Indian Bank (erstwhile Allahabad bank). She is working in lending domain especially handling the credit portfolio pertaining to large corporates. She has 9+ banking industry experience ranging from general banking operations to handling (analyzing credit requirement, ensuring pre- and post-sanction compliances and overall asset management) large credit portfolio, worth Rs. 5000 crore relating to varied industries.
Why did you choose PGPpro programme?
My work involves assessing the credit requirements of large corporates that often involves me in lot of dialogues, meeting, and visits with corporate CEOs across different industries and my organization’s top execs to craft the suitable credit packages and better client retention. With my experience I understood how important it is to strategically form a relationship with existing and potential stakeholders, hence I really wanted to deep learn these skills academically as well which would certainly help me to better understand and act. Additionally, the smartly crafted weekend program allowed me to simultaneously implement my learnings and see the real time results and challenges.