Mr Ajith Kumar Rai established a first-generation enterprise – Suprajit Engineering, then a small-scale unit, to manufacture Automotive Control Cables, in 1985. Suprajit is now listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange and National Stock Exchange. Suprajit is one of the top 500 listed companies in the Indian Stock Markets. With seven acquisitions in cable and halogen bulbs space, Suprajit is the global leader in Mechanical Control Cable systems and Halogen bulbs with marquee customers like BMW, Audi, Mercedes, Jaguar, Tesla, Rolls Royce, Lamborghini, Land Rover, Mercedes, Honda, etc. Suprajit has 24 manufacturing units, which are strategically located in India, China, USA, Mexico, UK, Hungary, Slovenia, Luxembourg, and Germany, and the annual turnover of the Group is about US$ 350 million.
Mr Rai is a member of the American Institute of Industrial Engineers, CII, and ACMA. He is involved in many CSR initiatives through Suprajit Foundation. This includes an Industrial Training Institute and a school – in his hometown, a Scholarship program to assist the underprivileged bright students, Karunashraya - a hospice for advanced stage of cancer patients, other schools and institutes, renovation of Anganwadis, Dialysis care, eye care, thalassemia care, heart surgeries, etc., for people from poor backgrounds. Both Ajith Rai and Suprajit have won multiple awards in recognition of their achievements.
A ranked student in Mechanical Engineering from the National Institute of Engineering, University of Mysore, Mr. Rai completed his master’s in industrial engineering from Dalhousie University, Canada.