By Team External Relations |Nov 18, 2022
The event saw the coming together of several of our alumni, visiting faculty, leaders from the academic community and members of the industry.
The Indian School of Business, as part of its 20th anniversary celebrations, held the concluding ISB@20 global event in partnership with the Consulate General of India in New York on Friday, November 18.
The gathering saw several speakers addressing the attendees.
Dean Madan Pillutla while sharing the State of the School report said, “Going forward, there are certain areas we are identifying as focus areas. When the government is looking for evidence-based policy recommendations, we will be the one stop shop. We want deep partnerships with businesses as they go through their leadership development and innovation journeys.”
Shri Randhir Jaiswal, Consul General of India in New York, spoke about the various phases seen in the growth of the Indian education system including the third phase in the 1990s which witnessed huge surge of energy, ideas and support for developing institutions and universities in India, of which ISB was an outcome.
“The Prime Minister has, for the past seven years, been insisting that international engagement should not exist in isolation. International relations and engagement must be leveraged for domestic development. Diaspora strength must be leveraged for domestic growth and development, and what better example can we have than ISB of this vision and this idea. So, three cheers to ISB for its success and for India,” said Shri Jaiswal.
Members of the ISB Board, Girish Reddy and Purnendu Chatterjee expressed ISB's pride in its alumni and exhorted them to give back to the School in every way possible.
“The school and the alumni have to get engaged lot more. If you (Alumni) all can give back, we could build a great endowment to continue our excellence in research and provide education to entrepreneurs like you,” Mr. Girish Reddy said.
Professors Swaminathan Sridharan (ISB Area Leader of Accounting), John and Norma Darling Distinguished Professor in Financial Accounting, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University; Harbir Singh (ISB Area Leader of Strategy, Entrepreneurship, and Organisational Behaviour), The Mack Professor, Professor of Management, Co-Director, Mack Center for Technological Innovation, Faculty Director, Huntsman Program- The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania; and Jagmohan S Raju (ISB Area Leader of Marketing), Joseph J. Aresty Professor, Executive Director, Wharton Co-Sponsorship of Indian School of Business; Professor of Marketing- The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, looked back at the growth of ISB through the ringside view they had as visiting faculty and area leaders.
“Wharton has learnt a lot from ISB. Nearly 30 of our faculty went and taught at ISB over the years. We all learnt how to teach globally and made us a global school. We learnt how to create an educational institution, both the joys and challenges of creating one. We all learnt through the experiments ISB was conducting,” Jagmohan S Raju said.
Rajat Gupta, ISB's Founding Chairman spoke of the challenges faced in the initial years and the support of various governments in moulding the course of ISB's growth.
“I personally benefitted in enormous amount by this whole journey. I have four daughters of my own, but I consider ISB as one of my children. I am very proud of it and the journey it has undertaken. I have learnt a lot just like you learn from children.”