Professor Rajib Saha is an Associate Professor of Information Systems at the Indian School of Business (ISB). Prof. Saha works broadly in the area of Economics of IT and IT-enabled Business Models and Data Mining. His research looks at questions from crowds and platforms, pricing and operationalization of digital goods, B2B contracts, network analytics, etc. Prior to joining ISB, he taught graduate level courses in the area of Operations Management and Information Systems at the University of Rochester, and worked in the IT industry for several years at organisations such as Oracle and Novell.
Saha received his M.S. and Ph.D. in Business Administration from the University of Rochester, New York and B.Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur.
Mantena, Ravi., Saha, Rajib. (2022) "Market Share Contracts in B2B Procurement Settings with Heterogeneous User Preferences", Production and Operations Management , 31 (3), 1290-1308 Kannan, Karthik., Saha, Rajib., Khern-am-nuai, Warut. (2022) "Identifying Perverse Incentives in Buyer Profiling on Online Trading Platforms", Information Systems Research , 33 (2), 464-475 Kim, Antino., Saha, Rajib., Khern-am-nuai, Warut. (2021) "Manufacturer’s 1-Up from Used Games: Insights from the Secondhand Market for Video Games", Information Systems Research , 32 (4), 1173–1191 Saha, Rajib., Singha, Sumanta., Kumar, Subodha. (2021) "Does Congestion Always Hurt? Managing Discount under Congestion in a Game-Theoretic Setting", Information Systems Research , 32 (4), 1347–1367 Saha, Rajib., Seidmann, Abraham., Tilson, Vera. (2019) "The Impact of Custom Contracting and the Infomediary Role of Healthcare GPOs", Production and Operations Management , 28 (3), 650-667 Mehra, Amit., Saha, Rajib. (2018) "Utilizing Public Betas and Free Trials to Launch a Software Product", Production and Operations Management , 27 (11), 2025-2037 Mani, Deepa., K, Aditya., Saha, Rajib. (2017) "The Digital Transformation of R&D", ISB insight Shmueli, Galit., Saha, Rajib., Gupta, Reema. (2013) "Innovative Education: Industry-academia partnerships", OR/MS Today (INFORMS Magazine) , 40 (4) Mantena, Ravi., Saha, Rajib. (2012) "Co-opetition between Differentiated Platforms in Two-sided Markets", Journal of Management Information Systems , 29 (2), 109-139
Mantena, Ravi., Saha, Rajib. (2012) "Competition and Strategic Partnership between Intermediary Platforms in the Presence of Heterogeneous Technologies", Proceedings of the 45th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences Saha, Rajib., Seidmann, Abraham., Tilson, Vera. (2011) "Unexpected Motivations behind Joining Group Purchasing Organization (GPO)", Proceedings of the 44th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences Saha, Rajib., Seidmann, Abraham., Tilson, Vera. (2010) "A Research Agenda for Emerging Roles of Healthcare GPOs and Their Evolution from Group Purchasing to Information Sharing to Strategic Consulting", Proceedings of the 43rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences
Singha, Sumanta., Saha, Rajib., Ghoshal, Abhijeet. "A Platform’s Dilemma in Controlling Marketplace Transactions" Karanam, Aditya., Mani, Deepa., Saha, Rajib. "Contagion and Comovement in Technology Partnerships" Karanam, Aditya., Mani, Deepa., Saha, Rajib. "Technological Relatedness to the ICT Industry and Its Impact on Innovation Performance and Competitive Intensity"