Unique combination of expertise in B-school professorship, Fortune 500 strategy consulting, C-level executive experience, Silicon Valley and Bangalore-based entrepreneurship, and business research.
Advised senior executives at global corporations on how to unlock new opportunities for business growth through new models of business leadership, digital transformation, sustainable business innovation, and other next practices.
Recognised as a thought leader through influential Harvard Business Review articles on the next practices of business, acclaimed book on business leadership, and other publications.
March 26, 2023: SVB Crisis: Failing Banks, Living Your Life, and Finding Your Calling, The Quint.
March 14, 2022: How do we build motivated teams?, LinkedIn.
March 11, 2022: Managing Stress and Anxiety through Beingful Leadership, Mailchimp Activity.
March 11, 2022: What is Beingful Leadership?, LinkedIn.
March 3, 2022: Book Recommendation from Professor Ram Nidumolu, PhD, LinkedIn.
February 28, 2022: Are you following the Beingfulness YouTube Channel yet?, LinkedIn.
February 2, 2022: Challenges and Opportunities in a Hybrid Workplace, LinkedIn.
January 31, 2022: Beingful Techniques for Managing Stress and Anxiety, LinkedIn.
January 30, 2022: Beingful Techniques to manage stress and anxiety, Mailchimp Activity.
January 26, 2022: In Conversation: What are Beingful Organisations?, You Tube.
January 26, 2022: In Conversation: What is Beingful Capitalism?, You Tube.
January 26, 2022: In Conversation: Beingfulness and Artificial Intelligence, You Tube.
January 26, 2022: In Conversation: What are Beingful Teams?, You Tube.
January 26, 2022: In Conversation: Millennials at Work, Youtube.
January 26, 2022: In Conversation: Dealing with stress and anxiety, You tube.
January 25, 2022: In Conversation: What is the journey to Beingful Leadership?, You Tube.
January 25, 2022: In Conversation: What is Beingful Leadership?, You Tube.
January 25, 2022: In Conversation: What is Beingfulness?, You Tube.
January 25, 2022: Hello! Hope you are having a Beingful 2022 so far!, LinkedIn.
January 25, 2022: In Conversation: What is Beingful Work?, YouTube.
January 25, 2022: In Conversation: What is higher purpose?, You Tube.
December 6, 2021: All workplaces and managers are faced with one problem today — what to do with millennials?, LinkedIn.
December 5, 2021: All Workplaces and Managers are Faced with a Problem - What to do with Millennials?, ThePrint.
December 1, 2021: Book Recommendation from Professor Ram Nidumolu, PhD, LinkedIn.
November 24, 2021: How to Manage Millennials Beingfully?, LinkedIn.
November 24, 2021: Beingful techniques for managing millennials at the workplace, Mailchimp Activity.
November 8, 2021: How can you align your personal purpose to your organisation's purpose?, LinkedIn.
November 3, 2021: Spotlight on Purpose: Diwali issue of Beingful Newsletter, Mailchimp Activity.
November 3, 2021: Diwali Greetings, LinkedIn.
October 25, 2021: Beingful Techniques to Stay Motivated at Work, LinkedIn.
October 25, 2021: Beingful Techniques to Stay Motivated at Work: Prof Ram Nidumolu, ISB, Mailchimp.
October 10, 2021: A Definition of Beingfulness, LinkedIn.
October 7, 2021: What challenges have you had to navigate as you adapted to work-from-home settings over the last year?, LinkedIn.
September 28, 2021: A Journey to the End of the World, LinkedIn.
September 15, 2021: Beingful Work and Work-Life Harmony, LinkedIn.
September 14, 2021: An invitation on Beingfulness from Prof. Ram Nidumolu, ISB, Mailchimp.
September 7, 2021: Beingfulness in a changing world, YouTube.
September 7, 2021: What is Beingfulness?, You Tube.
September 7, 2021: Beingfulness in the Context of a Changing World, LinkedIn.
September 7, 2021: Beingfulness and social hierarchy, YouTube.
September 7, 2021: Beingfulness and Mindfulness, YouTube.
September 3, 2021: Beingful Work, Youtube.
September 3, 2021: Beingful Meditation, YouTube.
July 3, 2021: Beingful Leadership and Connection, LinkedIn.
June 25, 2021: Beingfulness and the Coronavirus Pandemic, LinkedIn.
June 23, 2021: The REAL Journey to Beingful Leadership, LinkedIn.
June 22, 2021: A Personal Message on Beingfulness from Prof. Ram Nidumolu, ISB, Mailchimp.
June 22, 2021: The Whole Self at Work for Whole Well-Being, LinkedIn.
June 20, 2021: Beingfulness as a Way of Life, LinkedIn.
June 19, 2021: The Difference Between Happiness and Meaning, LinkedIn.
Nidumolu, Ram., Sunder M, Vijaya., Pavitra, Madhira. (2024) "Metro rail comes to Hyderabad", Stanford Social Innovation Review Nidumolu Ram., J Ellison., J Whalen., E Billman. (2014) "The Collaboration Imperative", Harvard Business Review Nidumolu Ram., Kramer K., Zeitz J. (2012) "Connecting Heart to Head: A Framework for Sustainable Growth", Stanford Social Innovation Review Nidumolu Ram., C K Prahalad., MR Rangaswami. (2009) "Why Sustainability is now the Key Driver of Innovation", Harvard Business Review Nidumolu Ram., Subramani M. (2003) "The Matrix of Control: Combining Process and Structure Approaches to Managing Software Development", Journal of MIS, Winter Nidumolu Ram., Subramani M., Aldrich A. (2001) "Situated Learning and the situated Knowledge Web:Exploring the ground Beneath Knowledge Management", Journal of MIS Nidumolu Ram., Menon N., Ziegler B. (1998) "Object-Oriented Business Process Modeling and Simulation :A Discrete Event System Specification(DEVS)Framework", Simulation:Practice and Theory Bajaj A., Nidumolu Ram. (1998) "A Feedback Model to understand information System Usage", Information and Management Nidumolu Ram., G Knotts. (1998) "The Effects of Customizability and Reusability on the Perceived Process and Competitive Performance of Software Firms", MIS Quarterly Nidumolu Ram. (1996) "A Comparison of the Structural Contingency and Risk-based Perspectives on Coordination in Software Development Projects", Journal of MIS Fall Nidumolu Ram. (1996) "Standardization, Requirements Uncertainty and Software Project Performance", Information and Management Nidumolu Ram., Goodman S., Vogel D., Danowitz A. (1996) "Information Technology for local Administration Support:The Governorates Project in Egypt", MIS Quarterly Nidumolu Ram. (1995) "The Effect of Coordination and Uncertainty on Software Project Performance: Residual Performance Risk as an Intervening Variable", Information Systems Research Nidumolu Ram. (1995) "Inter-Organizational Information Systems and the structure and climate of seller Buyer Relationships", Information and Management Nidumolu Ram., Goodman S. (1993) "Computing in India : An Asian Elephant learning to Dance", Communications of the ACM E Swanson., M Fuller., Nidumolu Ram., Ramiller N., Ward G. (1991) "Illusive Effects on the Diffusion of an Innovation: A Comment", Management Science
Nidumolu, Ram., Swapna, AJ. (2022) "Creating a Fulfilling Workplace: A Holistic Approach to Employee Well-being at LVPEI (Case Study accepted by CLMP)", Harvard Business Publishing Nidumolu Ram., Seshadri, D.V.R.., Jalan, Ratan. (2019) "Stork Home Fernandez Hospitals: Going to Market with a Purpose-Driven, Disruptive Innovation,", ISB Case Study, HBS Publishing, Aug 22, 2019 (Product #: ISB172-PDF-ENG)
Sayed, Mohid., Nidumolu, Ram. "To AI or Not to AI in Recruitment: How Can Firms Ensure Successful AI Deployment in Talent Acquisition?" Nidumolu, Ram., Sabherwal, Rajiv., Shankar, Shreya. "Being Well by Being Yourself at Work: Development and Test of Authentic Self-Leadership Theory" Nidumolu, Ram., Sunder M, Vijaya., Madhira, Pavitra. "Leaders as Mediators: Managing Stakeholders in Complex Projects"