Professor Ramnarayan has been a Professor at the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, Visiting Faculty at the Case Western Reserve University, leveland, Ohio and a Guest Professor at the University of Bamberg, Germany. His initial years were with industry, where he worked for close to 10 years. He has also been a consultant to a large number of Organisations in the areas of change and leadership development. He has carried out research assignments funded by the US Office of Personnel Management, Ford Foundation, World Bank, Commonwealth Secretariat, Department for International Development, and German Sciences Foundation. Apart from books on Change Management, Organisation Development and Strategic Management of Public Enterprises, Professor Ramnarayan has edited a book of Cases in Organisational Behaviour.
Ramnarayan, Subramaniam.,Shankar, Raj. (2020) "Three Mindsets of Entrepreneurial Leaders", Sage Publishing Subramaniam, Ramnarayan. (2018) "Human Capital in the Digital Era: Leadership under Scrutiny - D. Shivakumar in conversation with S. Ramnarayan", ISBInsight M.V., Anuradha.,E.S., Srinivas.,Singhal, Manish.,Subramaniam, Ramnarayan. (2014) "To Work or Not to Work: Construction of Meaning of Work and Making Work Choices", Vikalpa , 39 (2), 7 to 19 Subramaniam, Ramnarayan. (2012) "Redesigning to go across Borders", NHRD Network Journal , 5 (April 2012) (2), 64-69 Subramaniam, Ramnarayan. (2012) "Going Global: Lessons learnt from Indian and Chinese Companies", HQ Asia (Issue 03), 22-27 Subramaniam, Ramnarayan. (2012) "Make a Compelling Case for Change", The Smart CEO , 4 (8), 36-38 Subramaniam, Ramnarayan. (2011) "Ownership: Overcoming Indifference", NHRD Network Journal , 3 (66-72) Subramaniam, Ramnarayan.,Harpelund, Christian. (2010) "Rethinking Resistance", L&T Journal of Management (Issue 3), 23-29 Subramaniam, Ramnarayan.,Srinivas, E S. (2010) "The India Way", ISB insight , 8 (3) Subramaniam, Ramnarayan. (2008) "Designing Participative Processes for Change: Insights from OD field", NHRD Network Journal , Volume 2 (Issue 3), 62 to 66 Nilakant, Venkataraman.,Subramaniam, Ramnarayan. (2008) "Organization Development: Problems and Prospects", NHRD Network Journal , 2 (3), 147 to 154 Subramaniam, Ramnarayan.,Nilakant, Venkataraman. (2008) "Leadership Lessons from the Great Rail Yatra", ISB insight , 10 to 13 Subramaniam, Ramnarayan. (2006) "Dynamics of Reinvention", Vikalpa , 31 (1) Subramaniam, Ramnarayan. (2005) "Feedback and Feedforward for Leadership Development", Business Vision , 1 (2) Subramaniam, Ramnarayan. (2004) "What Makes a Leader", TMTC Journal of Management Subramaniam, Ramnarayan. (2003) "Changing Mindsets of Middle Level Officers in Government Organizations", Vikalpa , 28 Subramaniam, Ramnarayan. (2003) "Habits for Effective Interactions", NHRD Network Journal Subramaniam, Ramnarayan. (2000) "Individual Differences in Need for Cognition and Complex Problem Solving", Journal of Research in Personality , 34, 305-328 Subramaniam, Ramnarayan. (1999) "Fostering Organizational Learning Process: Evidence from an R&D Organization", Journal of Euro-Asian Management , 5 (2) Subramaniam, Ramnarayan. (1998) "Navigating Organizations in the New Millennium: The Learning Challenge", Textile Industry in the New Millennium Subramaniam, Ramnarayan. (1997) "How Organizations Influence Individual Styles of Thinking: A Simulation Study", Journal of Euro-Asian Management , 3 (1), 1-29 Subramaniam, Ramnarayan. (1997) "Trappings of Expertise and Pursuit of Failure", Simulation and Gaming , 28 (1), 28-43 Subramaniam, Ramnarayan. (1996) "Coping with SCUDS: An Empirical Examination", The TMTC Journal of Management , VI (1) Subramaniam, Ramnarayan. (1993) "How do Indian Organizations meet Learning Challenges", Vikalpa , 18 (1) Ramachandran, Kavil.,Subramaniam, Ramnarayan. (1993) "Entrepreneurial Orientation and Networking: some Indian evidence", Journal of Business Venturing , 8 (6), 513-524 Subramaniam, Ramnarayan. (1990) "Entrepreneurship and Social Networking", Indian Management , 28 (12) Subramaniam, Ramnarayan. (1989) "Institutional Learning: The Essence of Strategic Management", Vikalpa , 14 (1) Subramaniam, Ramnarayan. (1989) "Project Update: Diagnosis of Organizations", Indian Management Subramaniam, Ramnarayan. (1989) "Power, Politics, and Authority", Organizational Theory Subramaniam, Ramnarayan. (1989) "Organizational Process: An Overview of Major Concepts and Emerging Trends", Organizational Theory Subramaniam, Ramnarayan. (1985) "Conflict Management in the Public Workforce: Frequent Means of Coping and Consequences of Action", Review of Public Personnel Administration , 5 (5) Subramaniam, Ramnarayan. (1983) "Organizational Effectiveness: An Alternative Perspective", Academy of Management Review , 8 (1)
Ramnarayan, Subramaniam.,Mehta, Sunita. (2020) "Leading Digital Transformation in Traditional Organizations, In: "Leading Human Capital in the 2020s: Emerging Perspectives"", Sage Publications Subramaniam, Ramnarayan. (2016) "Habitual Mindsets to Mindfulness: Wise Approaches to Change Management", Sage Publications Sripada, Chandrasekhar.,Subramaniam, Ramnarayan.,TV Rao. (2011) "Fostering Growth, Change and leadership”,Interview with Prof S Ramnarayan,", Organization Development-accelerating learning and transformation (2nd edition) Subramaniam, Ramnarayan.,T V Rao. (2011) "Organization Development: Accelerating Learning and Transformation", Sage Publications V, Nilakant.,Subramaniam, Ramnarayan. (2009) "Changing Tracks: Reinventing the Spirit of Indian Railways", Harper-Collins (ISBN: 9788172238629), 236 Subramaniam, Ramnarayan.,Rao, T.V..,Chawla, Nandini. (2008) "Not just for Individual Development: Gaining Organizational Insights from 360-degree Assessment", Excel Books, New Delhi Subramaniam, Ramnarayan. (2006) "Change Management: Altering Mindsets in a Global Context", Response Books, Sage Publications Subramaniam, Ramnarayan. (2006) "Altering Mindsets: Heart of Complex Change ,Future of Work: Mastering Change", Excel books Subramaniam, Ramnarayan. (2003) "Leadership", Tata McGraw Hill (Chapter in Organization Behaviour) Subramaniam, Ramnarayan. (2003) "Management of Change", Tata McGraw Hill, ( Book Chapter in Organization Behaviour) Subramaniam, Ramnarayan. (2002) "Bridging the Knowing - Doing Gap: a Key Learning Challenge", Tata McGraw Hill, Human Resource Development in Asia: Trends and Challenges Subramaniam, Ramnarayan. (2002) "Computer Simulations to Develop Strategic Thinking Capability: An Experience", AMDISA ( South Asian Management : Challenges in New Millennium) , 521-534 Subramaniam, Ramnarayan. (1999) "Irrigation Management Transfer in India : Policies, Processes and Performance", Oxford & IBH, New Delhi Subramaniam, Ramnarayan. (1998) "Managing Organizational Change", Response Books, Sage Publications, New Delhi Subramaniam, Ramnarayan. (1998) "Organization Development: Interventions and Strategies", Response Books, Sage Publications,New Delhi Subramaniam, Ramnarayan. (1997) "Strategic Management of Public Enterprises in Developing Countries", Vikas Publications, New Delhi Subramaniam, Ramnarayan. (1996) "Managerial Dilemmas: Cases in Organizational Behaviour", Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi Subramaniam, Ramnarayan. (1994) "Middle Management Motivation: A State of Choked Potential, in “Work Motivation: Models for Developing Countries", Sage Publications Subramaniam, Ramnarayan. (1992) "Developing Learning Organizations: The HRD Agenda in the Changing Environment in “Managing Transition: The HRD Response”,", Human Resource Development Review Subramaniam, Ramnarayan. (1989) "Training Workshops as Instruments for Organizational Diagnosis", Organizational Development Annual Subramaniam, Ramnarayan. (1988) "Integration", Micro Organizational Behaviour Journal Subramaniam, Ramnarayan. (1988) "Helping Relationship", Micro Organizational Behaviour Journal Subramaniam, Ramnarayan. (1984) "Interpersonal and Institutional Channels in a Bureaucratic Organization", TATA Management Training Centre
Subramaniam, Ramnarayan. (2012) "Section on "Sustainability of Business Organizations" (Editor)", Learning Adventures: Understanding Sustainability , pp. 50-78 Subramaniam, Ramnarayan. (2012) "Insights on Sustainability", Learning Adventures: Understanding Sustainability , pp. 73-76 V, Nilakant.,Subramaniam, Ramnarayan. (2009) "Reinventing OD for Radical Performance Enhancement", Global OD Summit - Indian School of Business Subramaniam, Ramnarayan. (1986) "Coping with Organizational Growth: A Study of Cultural Transformation in an", Sixth Annual Strategic Management Society Conference
Subramaniam, Ramnarayan.,Mehta, Sunita. (2020) "Youth4jobs: Evolving and scaling up a Disability Inclusion Model", Harvard Business School Publishing Subramaniam, Ramnarayan.,Mehta, Sunita. (2020) "Career Dilemma of a Next-Gen Family Business Member: The case of Lavanya Nalli", ISB-Harvard Publishing Subramaniam, Ramnarayan.,Mehta, Sunita. (2019) "Symphony: Growing Through Internationalization", Harvard Business School Publishing Subramaniam, Ramnarayan.,Mehta, Sunita. (2019) "CavinKare: Building Human Capital for Performance Excellence", Harvard Business School Publishing Subramaniam, Ramnarayan.,Mehta, Sunita. (2019) "Magna Acquisition: Adding Professionalism to an Entrepreneurial Venture", Harvard Business School Publishing Subramaniam, Ramnarayan.,Mehta, Sunita. (2018) "Creating and Sustaining a Social Enterprise: The Vittala Story", Harvard Business School Publishing Subramaniam, Ramnarayan.,Mehta, Sunita. (2018) "Turnaround of Food and Civil Supplies Department in Telangana Government", Harvard Business School Publishing Subramaniam, Ramnarayan.,Mehta, Sunita. (2018) "Implementing Fortis Operating System (A) & (B)", Ivey Publications Nambudiri, Ranjeet.,Subramaniam, Ramnarayan.,Xavier, Catherine. (2017) "Apigee: People Management Practices and the Challenge of Growth", Richard Ivey School of Business Publishing Subramaniam, Ramnarayan.,M.V., Anuradha. (2014) "The Contract Workers' Crisis: Leading a Way out in a Multi-Stakeholder Maze", Subramaniam, Ramnarayan.,M.V., Anuradha. (2014) "Labour Dispute at Dr. Reddy's: Tip of the Iceberg in a Globalization Effort", Subramaniam, Ramnarayan.,Dhanaraj, Charles.,Sankaran, Krithiga. (2013) "CUMI India’s Global Strategy: The China Puzzle", Ivey publication Subramaniam, Ramnarayan.,Neha Gupta. (2011) "Singareni Collieries: From Gloom to Glory", Ivey publication , 9B11C043 & 8B11C043 Subramaniam, Ramnarayan.,K.N. Rekha.,Neha Gupta. (2011) "Project Vishwamitra at TP Engineering Corporation", Ivey publication , 9B11C041 & 8B11C041
Subramaniam, Ramnarayan. (2017) "Capability Building in a Community: A Story from Pre-Independence India", Subramaniam, Ramnarayan. (2013) "Foreword to the book "Championing the Bosses"", Prism Books Nilakant, Venkataraman.,Subramaniam, Ramnarayan. (2009) "The Great Rail Yatra - Leading and Managing Change in Indian Railways: Book Manuscript", Kumar IPS, Kamal.,Subramaniam, Ramnarayan. (2009) "Recruitment Plan (2009-2020) for Indian Police Service", Subramaniam, Ramnarayan. (2004) "Handbook for Leaders in Government", Centre for Good Governance Subramaniam, Ramnarayan. (2004) "Handbook on Building Motivation and Positive Attitudes in Government", Centre for Good Governance Subramaniam, Ramnarayan. (2003) "Handbook for Change Agents", Centre for Good Governance Subramaniam, Ramnarayan. (1998) "Building Organizational Capability of Water Users", Subramaniam, Ramnarayan. (1997) "Role of Corporate Development Group in the implementation of change programmes", Subramaniam, Ramnarayan. (1996) "Middle Management Voices in the Organisation, Managerial Dilemmas,", , 203-209 Subramaniam, Ramnarayan. (1996) "Managing a Turnaround in a Malaysian Carpet Factory, Managerial Dilemmas", Case in Organisational Behaviour , 309-321 Subramaniam, Ramnarayan. (1996) "From Shindi to Siddhi, Managerial Dilemmas", Managerial Dilemmas , 253-267 Subramaniam, Ramnarayan. (1995) "Hurdles to Upgrading Technology: The Study of Indian Foundries", Vikalpa , 20 (1) Subramaniam, Ramnarayan. (1994) "Dealing with Unfair Political Pressures, Managerial Dilemmas", Managerial Dilemmas , 243-248 Subramaniam, Ramnarayan. (1994) "Agricultural Financial Corporation, Zimbabwe", Vikalpa , 19 (2), 47-60 Subramaniam, Ramnarayan. (1994) "Leaders in Action: Some Illustrations and Inferences", Vikalpa , 19 (2) Subramaniam, Ramnarayan. (1994) "How Firms Make Technological Improvements: Observations from a Field Study, in", Tata McGraw-Hill Subramaniam, Ramnarayan. (1994) "Organization and Management of National Co-operative Development Corporation", Subramaniam, Ramnarayan. (1992) "Carpets International Malaysia Berhad", Vikalpa , 17 (2), 43-53 Subramaniam, Ramnarayan. (1992) "Reorganization of the National Thermal Power Corporation", Subramaniam, Ramnarayan. (1992) "Carpets International Malaysia Berhad (B)", Vikalpa , 19 (2), 45-51 Subramaniam, Ramnarayan. (1990) "Manager in the Middle: A Case of Underdevelopment and Underutilization", Vikalpa , 15 (2) Subramaniam, Ramnarayan. (1989) "Perceptions and Roles of Middle Managers: A Study in four Indian Organisations", Subramaniam, Ramnarayan. (1989) "Effective Use of Training Workshops", Training and Management Development Methods Subramaniam, Ramnarayan. (1989) "Hindustan Chemicals Ltd.", Vikalpa , 14 (2), 43-54 Subramaniam, Ramnarayan. (1984) "Complaint Management", Vikalpa , 9 (4)