Astha Mishra is a Sociologist by training, and she holds a keen interest in carrying out interdisciplinary, feminist research. Her broader areas of research interest include social change; social conflict; sociology of family, marriage, kinship; gender relations; rural and urban transformations; youth aspirations, and intergenerational mobilities; research methodology; post-colonial and decolonial theory.
Her Ph.D. thesis looks at the Jat and Muslim women from distressed rural-agrarian societies, who have entered workforce for the first time. Her work brings out the negotiations, bargains and agential capacities that are employed by younger generation women, as they make an entry for paid work in public spaces, for the very first time. Through ethnographic and feminist exploration, Astha has provided an analysis of social transformation, gender relations, inter and intra-community engagement, and techno-mediated socialities.
Astha has submitted her PhD at the Department of Sociology, University of Hyderabad in 2022. Her doctoral work was funded by the University Grants Commission (UGC), New Delhi (Junior Research Fellowship). She has received B.A. (hons.) in Sociology from Miranda House, University of Delhi, and M. A. From University of Hyderabad.