Want to learn about a strategic management concept? Ever wondered what it’s like to attend an Executive MBA class in ISB? Then join us for an online masterclass on September 5, 2020. If you’re interested in pursuing the PGPMAX (Executive MBA) programme, this is an opportunity to get a taste of executive MBA learning with the world-renowned ISB faculty.
Outline: Organizations are always on the lookout to bring in the most skilled talent. In these pandemic times, hiring may be last on their minds, but ultimately, talent generates value, and having a robust hiring strategy at your forefront may help you gain long-term competitive advantages. In this PGPMAX Masterclass, Prof. AJ we will take an overview of hiring strategies at your disposal and where to find the best talent.
Want to learn about a strategic management concept? Ever wondered what it’s like to attend an Executive MBA class in ISB? Then join us for an online masterclass on September 5, 2020. If you’re interested in pursuing the PGPMAX (Executive MBA) programme, this is an opportunity to get a taste of executive MBA learning with the world-renowned ISB faculty.
Outline: Organizations are always on the lookout to bring in the most skilled talent. In these pandemic times, hiring may be last on their minds, but ultimately, talent generates value, and having a robust hiring strategy at your forefront may help you gain long-term competitive advantages. In this PGPMAX Masterclass, Prof. AJ we will take an overview of hiring strategies at your disposal and where to find the best talent.