Sep 13, 2022
The Indian School of Business (ISB) and ESMT European School of Management and Technology GmbH (ESMT Berlin)- as part of their concerted efforts to expand scholarly ties, facilitate academic cooperation and promote mutual understanding- have agreed to establish mutually beneficial exchange relationships.
A step toward this direction was the recent signing of the Student Exchange Agreement during the ISB@20 event in Berlin by Professor Madan Pillutla, Dean, ISB and Mr Roland Siegers, Director, Early Careers Programs, ESMT, Berlin. The agreement was exchanged in the esteemed presence of Shri Parvathaneni Harish, Ambassador of India to the Federal Republic of Germany and Mr Tobias Pierlings, Director, External Economic Policy South and Southeast Asia, Australia, New Zealand, Oceania, Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK).
The Student Exchange Agreement provides a general framework for the exchange of students between the “Home Institution” and “Host Institution”. Exchange students will be expected to undertake a full load of courses at the Host institution and will receive credit at their Home Institution for a full course load, contingent upon satisfactory performance in all courses.
ISB has partnered with 55 leading schools from 28 countries for students exchange programme which adds to the diversity and peer-learning experience.