Parshuram Hotkar is an Assistant Professor in Operations Management at the Indian School of Business. His primary area of interest is studying strategic interactions in competing supply chains with applications in omnichannel retailing and pharmaceutical industry. He studies drug shortages due to frequent supply disruptions in the injectable drug supply chain. In addition, he has collaborated with an advertising company for his work on social media platforms. Parshuram has received research awards from various renowned organizations including INFORMS and Decision Sciences Institute (DSI).
His teaching interests include Supply Chain Optimization, Supply Chain Modeling, Strategic Procurement, Operations Management and Social Media Analytics.
Prior to joining the ISB, Parshuram obtained his Ph.D. and M.S. in Information, Risk and Operations Management from the University of Texas at Austin. He also received M.S. in Operations Management, and BTech in Biotechnology from IIT Madras.
Hotkar, Parshuram., Deo, Sarang. (forthcoming) "The Role of Market Interventions to Increase Access of Health Commodity in LMIC: A case of the IPAQT", Hotkar, Parshuram., Gilbert, Stephen. (2024) "Channel Choice via On-Line Platform", Production and Operations Management Hotkar, Parshuram., R., Garg. (2023) "Strategic social media marketing: An empirical analysis of sequential advertising", Production and Operations Management , 32 (12) Hotkar, Parshuram., S., Gilbert. (2021) "Supplier Encroachment in a Non-Exclusive Reselling Channel", Management Science , 67 (9) Hotkar, Parshuram., Mohan, U.. (2013) "Impact Of Retailer Competition On Manufacturer’s Decisions And Profits At Equilibrium", International Game Theory Review , 15 (4) Byung-In, K.., Koo, J.., Hotkar, Parshuram. (2010) "A simplified steel plate stacking problem", International Journal of Production Research , 49 (17)