India Data Portal (IDP)

The project was launched in October 2018.

  • India Data Portal (IDP) is a three-year project to be implemented by BIPP.
  • It is a Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) funded project to develop a portal to house all public data on agriculture and financial services for the poor.
  • The “India Data Portal” from the Bharti Institute of Public Policy at the Indian School of Business, is a one-stop open-access portal for journalists to access, interact with, and visualize information, data and knowledge related to agriculture and financial inclusion, while also aiding other beneficiaries – researchers, students, policy makers, administrators, NGOs, and entrepreneurs.
  • The portal contains a data repository with processed and documented public datasets on related themes. For agriculture, these include crops, water, livestock, public investments, etc at levels such as districts, tehsils, and villages with a largely rural focus and socio-economic characteristics in both rural and urban areas at granular spatial scales like district, town and ward spanning the entire country.
  • The repository for visualization includes an exhaustive collection of public datasets with overlapping as well as independent well-established remote-sensing and satellite products.
  • The existing datasets are defined under broad topics of: agriculture, socio-economic, general.
  • Agriculture datasets cover agricultural census for crops and non-crops; agricultural marketing; area, production, yield; cost of cultivation and PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojna.
  • Socio-economic dataset covers census 2011 demography.
  • While the general datasets cover soil and rainfall data.
  • India Data Portal organised a roundtable discussion for Open Data Ecosystem in India during the Public Policy Dialogues 2023 at ISB Hyderabad campus. The Open Data Ecosystem attracted panelists in leadership roles from CABI, How India Lives, Media Nama, Open Data Kerala, Stats of India, Swaniti Initiative, Factly, The Hindu, DPAR (Govt. of Karnataka), Omidyar Network, NASSCOM, Sattva Consulting and faculty members from ISB. Prof. Ashwini Chhatre, Executive Director, Bharti Institute of Public Policy, moderated the session and discussed the challenges that are faced while using an open data ecosystem and how these can be mitigated. The panel discussed one of the well-known issues of data not being in a machine-readable format which becomes a bigger challenge for users analysing the data. The key components of the discussion were how to better access the data that is consumption worthy for the public, including open data portals, data standards, and data literacy programs. The discussion furthered the challenges of Open Data Processing and future collaboration possibilities to resolve these challenges collectively.


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