Raghuram Bommaraju is an Associate Professor of Marketing at the Indian School of Business (ISB). Prior to joining ISB, he worked as an assistant professor at Iowa State University of Science and Technology. Professor Bommaraju currently focuses on two streams of research: sales force management and marketing-finance interface. His first dissertation essay won the best dissertation award from Sales SIG (Sales Special Interest Group). His second dissertation essay is the lead article in the 2019 January edition of the Journal of Marketing, a premier journal in marketing. He received his Ph.D. in marketing from the University of Houston, MBA from XLRI Jamshedpur, and MS in Quantitative Economics from Indian Statistical Institute. Prior to his Ph.D., he worked in analytics and retail industries for four years.
, 2022: Ford’s India Exit: What Forced the US Carmaker’s U-Turn From the Indian Roads?, Quint.com.
, 2022: Tata Neu: Why the cross-selling idea may not sell, Forbes India.
July , 2021: Private equity in healthcare a blessing or bane?, New Indian Express.
September , 2021: Private Equity (PE) Investments in Indian Healthcare: Key Drivers for Success, https://www.expresshealthcare.in/.
August , 2021: Flip side of Private Equity investments in Indian healthcare, New Indian Express.
Kumar, Sumeet., Bommaraju, Raghuram., Deo, Sarang. (forthcoming) "Most Believe in Artificial Intelligence, but Many Do not Want to Try -- Providers' Attitude Towards Artificial Intelligence in India's Informal Healthcare Sector - A Case of TB Diagnosis", Journal of Medical Internet Research Ambulkar, Saurabh., Arunachalam, S., Bommaraju, Raghu., Ramaswami, Sridhar. (2023) "Should a Firm Bring a Supplier into the Boardroom?", Production and Operations Management , 32 (1), 28-44 Varma, Rajita., Bommaraju, Raghuram., Singh, Siddharth.S. (2023) "Female Chief Marketing Officers: When and Why Do Their Marketing Decisions Differ from Their Male Counterparts’?", Journal of Marketing Research Borah, Sourav., Mallapragada, Girish., Bommaraju, Raghu., Venkatesan, Raj., Thongpapanl, Tek. (2022) "Interfirm collaboration and exchange relationships: An agenda for future research", International Journal of Research in Marketing , 39 (2), 603-618 Kaur, Preetinder., Ramaswami, Sridhar., Bommaraju, Raghu. (2021) "The Chief Marketing Officer: An Antidote to Myopic Earnings Management Practices", Marketing Letters , 32, 165–178 Bommaraju, Raghu., Ahearne, Michael., Krause, Ryan., Tirunillai, Seshadri. (2019) "Does a Customer on the Board of Directors Affect Business-to-Business Firm Performance?", Journal of Marketing , 83 (1), 8–23 Boichuk, Jeffrey., Bommaraju, Raghu., Ahearne, Michael., Krause, Florian., Steenburgh, Thomas. (2019) "Managing Laggards: The Importance of a Deep Sales Bench", Journal of Marketing Research , 56 (4), 652–665 Bommaraju, Raghu., Hohenberg, Sebastian. (2018) "Self-Selected Sales Incentives: Evidence of their Effectiveness, Persistence, Durability, and Underlying Mechanisms", Journal of Marketing , 82 (5), 106-124 Bommaraju, Raghu., Ahearne, Michael., Hall, Zach., Tirunillai, Seshadri. (2018) "The Impact of Mergers and Acquisitions on the Sales Force", Journal of Marketing Research , 55 (2), 254–264
Bommaraju, Raghuram. "Mitigating Competitive Threats Initiated by Rejection of Employer Friendly Law Changes: The Role of Marketing Assets" Bommaraju, Raghuram., Bhattacharya, Aritra., Waiser, Rob. "How to Incentivize Sales Managers: Learnings From A Field Study" Krause, Ryan., Gondi, Anusha., Bommaraju, Raghu. "New CEO Probation Time: Examining the Effect of Human Capital Mobility"