Email rks@isb.edu
Rajendra Srivastava is the Former Dean of the Indian School of Business (ISB) and the Novartis Professor of Marketing strategy and Innovation. He comes with an experience of over 30 years as an academic and administrator. He has held several tenured faculty and administrative positions during his career. Before joining the ISB, he was Provost and Deputy President of Academic Affairs at Singapore Management University.
His research interests include Marketing Strategy, Marketing Metrics, and Brand/Customer Management. His current work focuses on Business Model Innovations, especially in Services, B2B, Technology and Emerging Markets. He is best known globally, for his work on measuring the impact of market-facing business processes (innovation, supply-chain and customer management), that create value for customers, and the value of market-based assets (customers, channels, brands and value networks). He is also well known for his work in competitive market structures and brand equity/strategic brand management. His latest research and teaching interests also include Strategic Performance Management, Marketing Accountability and Driving Growth and Shareholder Value.
Rajendra Srivastava is a highly cited scholar with work published in leading marketing journals. He is also the recipient of several awards and honours. He has been actively involved in setting up several new postgraduate and doctoral programmes as well as research centres and initiatives in close collaboration with industry. He has also been involved in consulting and senior management training with global MNCs and brings a unique blend of experiences integrating academic and business perspectives from the west and the east. He is committed to cross-functional integration in management of business processes and has championed inter-disciplinary research and academic programmes, and has nurtured multi-disciplinary areas of excellence in financial markets, innovation and business analytics.
Prior to SMU he held distinguished research chairs and senior management positions at the University of Texas at Austin and Emory University in Atlanta.
Sinha, Ashish., Bagri, Prakash., Pedada, Kiran., Srivastava, Rajendra. (2022) "Ecommerce Disrupted: Is Social Ecommerce the Future of Online Shopping?", Management and Business Review Srivastava, Rajendra., Sinha, Ashish., Purkayastha, Anish. (2022) "Harnessing Artificial Intelligence and Disruptive Technologies to Benefit Society", California Management Review Srivastava, Rajendra., Hollebeek, Linda., Kumar, V. (2022) "From Customer-to Actor-to Stakeholder Engagement: Taking Stock, Conceptualization, and Future Directions", Journal of Service Research , 25 (2), 328 - 343 Srivastava, Rajendra., Sinha, Ashish., Pedada, Kiran., Purkayastha, Anish., Balani, Sandeep. (2022) "Digital Transformation as Disruptive Strategy", California management review Srivastava, Rajendra. (2022) "Moving the Stakeholder Journey Forward", Journal of Academy of Marketing Science , 51, 23-49 Srivastava, Rajendra., Padigar, Manjunath., Sinha, Ashish., Pupovac, Ljubomir. (2022) "The effect of marketing department power on investor responses to announcements of AI-embedded new product innovations", Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science , 50, 1277–1298 (2022) Srivastava, Rajendra., Bagri, Prakash., Pedada, Kiran., Sinha, Ashish. (2022) "Ecommerce Disrupted: Is Social eCommerce the Future of Online Shopping", Management and Business Review Srivastava, Rajendra., Rego, Lopo., Brady, Michael., Leone, Robert., Roberts, John., Srivastava, Chandra. (2022) "Brand Response to Environmental Turbulence: A Framework and Propositions for Resistance, Recovery and Reinvention", International Journal of Research in Marketing , 39 (2), 583-602 Sinha, Ashish., Pedada, Kiran., Purkayastha, Anish., Srivastava, Rajendra., Balani, Sandeep. (2022) "Digital Transformation as Disruptive Strategy: Using Data and Disruptive Technology to Unlock Growth, Build Resilience, and Create Shareholder Value", California Management Review Srivastava, Rajendra., Kumar, V. (2022) "Value Creation and Value Appropriation", Journal of Creating Value , Vol-8 (Issue-2) Srivastava, Rajendra., Kumar, V. (2020) "New Perspectives on Business Model Innovations in Emerging Markets", Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science Srivastava, Rajendra. (2019) "S-D logic–informed customer engagement: integrative framework, revised fundamental propositions, and application to CRM", Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science , 47, 161 - 185 Srivastava, Rajendra., Sungwook Min., Xubing Zhang., Namwoon Kim. (2016) "Customer Acquisition and Retention Spending: An Analytical Model and Empirical Investigation in Wireless Telecommunications Markets", Journal of Marketing Research , 53 (5), 728 - 744 Srivastava, Rajendra., Cem Bahadir., Sundar Bharadwaj. (2015) "Marketing Mix and Brand Sales in Global Markets: Examining the Contingent Role of Country-Market Characteristics", Journal of International Business Studies , 46 (5), 596-619 Srivastava, Rajendra. (2014) "Leveraging Market-Based Assets to De-Risk the Firm’s Operations", Asian Management Insights , 1 (2) Srivastava, Rajendra., Stefan Worm. (2014) "Impact of component supplier branding on profitability and risk", International Journal of Research in Marketing , 31 (4), 409-424 Srivastava, Rajendra., Frank Germann., Rajdeep Grewal., William T. Ross Jr. (2013) "Product recalls and the moderating role of brand commitment", Marketing Letters , 25, 179–191 Srivastava, Rajendra., Namwoon KIM., Jae H PAE., Jin K. HAN. (2010) "Utilization of Business Technologies: Managing Relationship-Based Benefits for Buying and Supplying Firms", Industrial Marketing Management , 39 (3), 473-484 Srivastava, Rajendra., Gregory M. Thomas. (2010) "Managing Brand Performance: Aligning Positioning, Execution and Experience", Journal of Brand Management , 17 (7), 465-471 Srivastava, Rajendra., Dominique M. Hanssens., Roland T. Rust. (2009) "Marketing Strategy and Wall Street: Nailing Down Marketing’s Impact", Journal of Marketing , 73 (6), 115-118 Srivastava, Rajendra., Sridhar Ramaswami., Mukesh Bhargava. (2009) "Market-based Capabilities and Financial Performance of Firms: Insights Into Marketing’s Contribution to Firm Value", Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science , 37 (2), 97-116 Srivastava, Rajendra., S. Cem Bahadir., Sundar Bharadwaj. (2008) "Financial Value of Brands in Mergers and Acquisitions: Is Value in the Eye of the Beholder?", Journal of Marketing , 72 (6), 49-64 Srivastava, Rajendra., Naveen Donthu., Naras Eechambadi., Greg Thomas. (2008) "Work Smarter: Delivering Better Results by Investing in Marketing Performance Capabilities", Marketing Management , 35-40 Srivastava, Rajendra., Namwoon Kim. (2007) "Modeling Cross-Price Effects on Inter-Category Dynamics: The Case of Three Computing Platforms", OMEGA: International Journal of Management Science , 35 (3), 290 - 301 Srivastava, Rajendra., Leone Robert P.., Vithala R. Rao., Kevin Lane Keller., Anita Man Luo., Leigh McAlister. (2006) "Linking Brand Equity to Customer Equity", Journal of Service Marketing , 9 (2), 125-138 Srivastava, Rajendra., Roland Rust., Tim Ambler., Greg Carpenter., V. Kumar. (2004) "Measuring Marketing Productivity: Current Knowledge and Future Directions", Journal of Marketing , 68 (4), 76-89 Srivastava, Rajendra., Tony Capraro., Susan Broniarczyk. (2003) "Factors Influencing the Likelihood of Customer Defection: The Role of Consumer Knowledge", Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science , 31 (2), 164-175 Srivastava, Rajendra., Judy Frels., Tassu Shervani. (2003) "The Integrated Networks Model: Explaining Resource Allocations in Networked Business Markets", Journal of Marketing , 67 (1), 29-45 Srivastava, Rajendra., John Hogan., Don Lehmann., Maria Merino., Jacquelyn Thomas., Peter Verhoef. (2002) "Linking Customer Assets to Financial Performance", Journal of Service Research , 5 (1), 26-38 Srivastava, Rajendra., Namwoon Kim., Jin K. Han. (2002) "A Dynamic IT Adoption Model for the SOHO Market: PC-Generational Decision with Technological Expectations", Management Science , 48 (2), 222-240 Srivastava, Rajendra., Liam Fahey., Kurt Christianson. (2001) "Resource-Bzased View and Marketing", Journal of Management , 27, 777-802 Srivastava, Rajendra., Liam Fahey., Joyce Sharon., David E. Smith. (2001) "Linking e-Business and Operating Processes: The Role of Knowledge Management", IBM Systems Journal , 40 (4), 889-907 Srivastava, Rajendra. (2001) "“Baylor University Roundtable on Business Practice and Education in the New Economy", Journal of Applied Corporate Finance , 14 (2), 62-78 Srivastava, Rajendra., Namwoon Kim., Jin K. Han. (2001) "Consumer Decision-Making in a Multi-Generational Choice Set Context", Journal of Business Research , 53 (3), 123 - 136 Srivastava, Rajendra., Mukesh Bhargava., John Kim. (2000) "Explaining Context Effects on Choice Using a Model of Comparative Judgment", Journal of Consumer Psychology , 9 (3), 167-177 Srivastava, Rajendra., V. Kumar., Sridhar Ramaswami. (2000) "A Model of Shareholder Returns: Marketing Implications", Journal of Business Research , 50 (2), 157-167 Srivastava, Rajendra., S. Ratneshwar., Allan Shocker., June Cotte. (1999) "Product, Person, and Purpose: Putting the Consumer Back into Theories of Dynamic Market Behavior", Journal of Strategic Marketing , 7, 191-208 Srivastava, Rajendra., Tasadduq Shervani., Liam Fahey. (1999) "Marketing, Business Processes and Shareholder Value: An Organizationally Embedded View of Marketing Activities and the Discipline of Marketing", Journal of Marketing , 63 (4), 168-179 Srivastava, Rajendra., Namwoon Kim. (1999) "Managing IntraOrganizational Diffusion of Technological Innovations", Industrial Marketing Management , 27 (3), 229 - 246 Srivastava, Rajendra., Namwoon Kim., Eileen Bridges. (1999) "A Simultaneous Model for Innovative Product category Sales Diffusion and Competitive Dynamics", International Journal of Research in Marketing , 16 (2), 95-111 Srivastava, Rajendra., Tasadduq A. Shervani., Liam Fahey. (1998) "Market-Based Assets and Shareholder Value: A Framework for Analysis", Journal of Marketing , 62 (1), 1-14 Srivastava, Rajendra., Jin K. Han., Namwoon Kim. (1998) "Marketing Orientation and Organizational Performance: Is Innovation a Missing Link?", Journal of Marketing , 62 (4), 30-45 Srivastava, Rajendra., Anthony Capraro., Thomas McInish., Robert Wood. (1997) "The Value of Corporate Reputations: Evidence from the Equity Markets", Corporate Reputation Review , 1 Srivastava, Rajendra., Anthony Capraro. (1997) "Has the Influence of Financial Performance on Reputation Measures Been Over-stated?", Corporate Reputation Review Srivastava, Rajendra., Srini Srinivasan., Kapil Bawa. (1997) "Coupon Attractiveness and Coupon Proneness: A Framework for Modeling Coupon Redemption", Journal of Marketing Research , 34 (4), 517-525 Srivastava, Rajendra., Tassu Shervani., Liam Fahey. (1997) "Driving Shareholder Value: The Role of Marketing in Reducing Vulnerability and Volatility of Cash Flows", Journal of Market-Focused Management , 2, 49-64 Srivastava, Rajendra., Elliot Maltz. (1997) "Managing Retailer-Supplier Partnerships With EDI: Evaluation and Implementation", Long Range Planning , 30 (6), 862-876 Srivastava, Rajendra., Vijay Mahajan., Namwoon Kim. (1995) "Use of New Product Diffusion Models for Market Valuation of a Firm in Telecommunications Industry", Technological Forecasting and Social Change , 49, 257-279 Srivastava, Rajendra., Vijay Mahajan., Vithala Rao. (1994) "An Approach to Assess the Importance of Brand Equity in Acquisition Decisions", Journal of Product Innovation Management , 11 (3), 221-235 Srivastava, Rajendra., Allan Shocker., Robert Ruekert. (1994) "The Changing Perspectives, Challenges and Opportunities Facing Brand Management", Journal of Marketing Research , 31 (2), 149-158 Srivastava, Rajendra., Thomas McInish., Sridhar Ramaswami. (1993) "Investors Choice of Full Service Versus Discount Brokerage Accounts", Review of Business and Economic Research Srivastava, Rajendra., Mike Zenor. (1993) "Inferring Market Structure With Aggregate Data: A Latent Segment Logit Approach", Journal of Marketing Research , 30 (3), 369-379 Srivastava, Rajendra., S.N. Ramaswami., T.H. McInish. (1992) "An Exploratory Study of Portfolio Objectives and Asset Holdings", Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization , 19 (3), 285-306 Srivastava, Rajendra., Thomas McInish., Sridhar Ramaswami. (1992) "Do More Risk Averse Investors Have Lower Net Worth and Income?", Financial Review , 28 (1), 91-106 Srivastava, Rajendra., Wagner Kamakura., Sridhar Ramaswami. (1991) "Applying Latent Trait Analysis in the Evaluation of Prospects for Cross-Selling of Financial Services", International Journal of Research in Marketing , 8 (4), 329-349 Srivastava, Rajendra., Leigh McAlister. (1991) "Incorporating Choice Dynamics in Models of Consumer Behavior", Marketing Letters , 2 (3), 241-252 Srivastava, Rajendra., Vijay Mahajan., Eitan Muller. (1990) "Determinants of Adopter Categories Using Innovation Diffusion Models", Journal of Marketing Research , 27, 37-50 Srivastava, Rajendra., D. L. Huff., J. M. Lutz. (1988) "A Geographical Analysis of the Innovativeness of States", Economic Geography , 64 (2), 137-146 Srivastava, Rajendra. (1987) "Marketing of Technology Intensive Products to Industrial Firms: Developing a Service Orientation", High Technology Marketing Review , 1 (2), 11-21 Srivastava, Rajendra., R. T. Green. (1986) "Determinants of Bilateral Trade Flows", Journal of Business , 59 (4), 623-640 Srivastava, Rajendra., Wagner A. Kamakura. (1986) "An Ideal Point Probabilistic Choice Model for Heterogeneous Preferences", Marketing Science , 5 (3) Srivastava, Rajendra., V. Mahajan., S. N. Ramaswami., J. Cherian. (1985) "A Multi-Attribute Diffusion Model for Forecasting the Adoption of Investment Alternatives for Consumers,", Technological Forecasting and Social Change , 28 (4), 325-333 Srivastava, Rajendra., H. Isakson., L. Price., T. McInish. (1984) "Analysis of Characteristics of Individual Investors in Real Estate Securities and Income Producing Property", Journal of the American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association , 12 (4), 521-541 Srivastava, Rajendra., Thomas McInish. (1984) "Ex Ante Expectations and Portfolio Selection", Financial Review , 19 (1), 84-96 Srivastava, Rajendra., Wayne Hoyer. (1984) "Examination of Sources of Advertising Miscomprehension", Journal of Advertising , 13 (2), 17-26 Srivastava, Rajendra., Mark Alpert., Allan D. Shocker. (1984) "A Customer-Oriented Approach for Determining Market Structures", Journal of Marketing , 48 (3) Srivastava, Rajendra., Thomas McInish. (1984) "The Nature of Individual Investors' Heterogeneous Expectations", Journal of Economic Psychology , 5 (3), 251-263 Srivastava, Rajendra., Thomas H. McInish., Linda Price. (1984) "Information Costs and Portfolio Selection", Journal of Banking & Finance , 8 (3), 417-429 Srivastava, Rajendra., Wagner Kamakura. (1984) "Predicting Choice Shares Under Conditions of Brand Interdependence", Journal of Marketing Research , 21 (4) Srivastava, Rajendra., Thomas McInish. (1982) "The Determinants of Investments in Collectibles: A Profit Analysis", Journal of Behavioral Economics , 11, 123-134 Srivastava, Rajendra., T. McInish. (1982) "Ex Ante Risk and Return: An Empirical Investigation", Southwest Journal of Business and Economics , 11, 94-96 Srivastava, Rajendra., Thomas McInish. (1982) "Multidimensionality of Locus of Control for Common Stock Investors", Psychological Reports , 51 (2), 361-62 Srivastava, Rajendra., Robert Leone., Allan Shocker. (1981) "Market Structure Analysis: Hierarchical Clustering of Products Based on Substitution- in-Use", Journal of Marketing , 45 (3) Srivastava, Rajendra., E. Hirschman., Mark I. Alpert. (1980) "Consumer Credit Card Usage and Retail Purchasing", Journal of Retail Banking , 2 Srivastava, Rajendra. (1979) "Attitude Change or Attitude Formation? An Unanswered Question", Journal of Consumer Research , 4 (4), 271-276 Srivastava, Rajendra., George S. Day., Allan D. Shocker. (1979) "Customer Oriented Approaches to Identifying Product-Markets", Journal of Marketing , 43 (4)
Srivastava, Rajendra., Hollebeek, Linda. (2022) "Consumer involvement and engagement: From involvement’s elaboration likelihood to engagement’s investment propensity", American Psychological Association , 609–619 Srivastava, Rajendra. (2022) "Rethinking Management Education in Dynamic and Uncertain Markets: Educating Future Leaders for Resilience and Agility", Cambridge University Press Srivastava, Rajendra. (2010) "Brand Platforms as Strategic Investments: Leveraging Customer Connections to Manage Profitability, Growth and Risk", Chapter 8 in The Connected Customer: The Changing Nature of Consumer and Business Markets Srivastava, Rajendra. (2004) "Can Marketing Bridge Corporate Fault Zones? Linking Marketing to Corporate Relevance", Does Marketing Need Reform Srivastava, Rajendra., Liam Fahey. (2001) "Leveraging e-Business in a Networked Economy", Pushing the Digital Frontier Srivastava, Rajendra., Anitesh Barua., Preyas S. Desai. (2001) "Economic Perspectives in Digital Marketing", Digital Marketing Srivastava, Rajendra. (1997) "Uncertainty as a Management Evaluation Tool for Infrastructure Projects", Regional Science: Perspectives for the Future Srivastava, Rajendra. (1991) "Strategic Issues in Lifecycle Management", Concurrent Lifecycle Management: Manufacturing, MIS and Marketing Perspectives Srivastava, Rajendra. (1991) "Valuation of Market Growth Opportunities", Concurrent Lifecycle Management: Manufacturing, MIS and Marketing Perspectives Srivastava, Rajendra. (1987) "Strategic Challenges in the Financial Services Industry", Management of Strategic Change Srivastava, Rajendra., R. T. Green. (1987) "Classification of Export Markets Based on Product Mix", Srivastava, Rajendra., A. D. Shocker. (1982) "Analytic Approaches to Product and Marketing Planning", Cambridge, MA: Marketing Science Institute , 2 Srivastava, Rajendra., Gerald Zaltman. (1978) "Market Analysis", Encyclopedia of Professional Management Srivastava, Rajendra., SR Nathan. "Economic History of Singapore", Singapore at 50
Thorsten Wiesel., Roman Kräussl., Srivastava, Rajendra. (2012) "Are Financial Analysts “Good Marketers”? Implications for Marketing and Investor Relations", Marketing Science Institute Report , 12-108 Srivastava, Rajendra., DJ Reibstein., Arch Woodside. (2005) "Metrics for linking marketing to financial performance", Marketing Science Institute Report Sridhar N. Ramaswami., Mukesh Bhargava., Srivastava, Rajendra. (2004) "Market-based Assets and Capabilities, Business Processes, and Financial Performance", Marketing Science Institute Report , 04-102 Srivastava, Rajendra. (1987) "The CD Market", MRCA Information Service Srivastava, Rajendra. (1986) "IRA/Keogh's: A Market in Transition", MCRA Information Services
Srivastava, Rajendra., Arvind Sahay. (1995) "Driving the Market: Licensing Strategies for Networked Product", Proceedings of the AMA Winter Educator’s Conference Srivastava, Rajendra., Kalpesh Desai., Wayne Hoyer. (1994) "Attribute Inheritance in Brand Extensions: Its Role in Extension Expectations and Evaluations", AMA Summer Educator’s Conference Srivastava, Rajendra., Allan Shocker., Beaver Creek., Colorado. (1994) "Brand Equity: A Research Perspective on Its Management and Measurement", Proceedings of the Advanced Research Techniques Forum, American Marketing Association , 15-17 Srivastava, Rajendra. (1991) "Project Valuation and Scheduling With Recourse", Proceedings of the Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology Srivastava, Rajendra. (1985) "Are People Always Risk Averse? Contextual Effects of Choice Under Uncertainty", AMA Educators' Conference Proceedings, Chicago: American Marketing Association. Srivastava, Rajendra., Robert Green. (1984) "Innovations in the World Markets: High Technology Trade of France, 1970-1981", Proceedings, 10th Annual Senanque International Marketing Conference Srivastava, Rajendra., Stephen Goldberg. (1984) "Improved Analytical Techniques for Estimating Conjoint Models", Proceedings of Southwest Marketing Association Conference Srivastava, Rajendra., Robert Leone., V. Kumar. (1983) "A Model of U. S. Automobile Demand", Advances in Consumer Research, 10, Association for Consumer Research , 11, 387 - 390 Srivastava, Rajendra., Wagner Kamakura. (1983) "Adapting Latent Trait Theory for Attitude Scaling,", Proceedings of the AMA Winter Educators' Conference Srivastava, Rajendra., Wagner Kamakura. (1983) "Use of Probabilistic Choice Models in Estimating Demand for New Product Concepts", Proceedings of the First Marketing Science Conference, Providence, RI: The Institute of Management Sciences Srivastava, Rajendra., M. Alpert. (1982) "Market Structure Analysis Based on Appropriateness-in-Use: Some Pragmatic Considerations", Analytic Approaches to Product and Marketing Planning, II, MA: Marketing Science Institute Srivastava, Rajendra., Wagner Kamakura. (1982) "Prediction of Market Shares for New Products: A Comparison of PROBIT and LOGIT Methodologies,", Analytical Approaches to Product and Marketing Planning, MA: Marketing Science Institute , 2 Srivastava, Rajendra., W.A. Kamakura. (1981) "Latent Trait Theory and Attitude Scaling: The Use of Information Functions in Item Selection", Advances in Consumer Research, Assoc for Consumer Research , 9, 251-256 Srivastava, Rajendra. (1981) "Impact of Maintainability Ratings on Consumer Automobile Preferences", Proceedings of the International Automotive Ratings Symposium, Srivastava, Rajendra., Robert Leone. (1980) "Identifying Market Structures: A Hierarchical Clustering Approach", Educators' Conference Proceedings, American Marketing Association Srivastava, Rajendra. (1980) "Usage-Situational Influences on Perceptions of Product Markets: Response Homogeneity and Its Implications for Consumer Research", Advances in Consumer Research 7, Assoc. for Consumer Research Srivastava, Rajendra. (1980) "Usage-Situational Influences on Perceptions of Product Markets: Theoretical and Empirical Issues", Advances in Consumer Research, Assoc. for Consumer Research Srivastava, Rajendra., Robert Leone. (1980) "Market Structure Analysis: Hierarchical Clustering By a Procedure Which Retains Maximum Predictive Efficiency", Market Measurement and Analysis Proceedings, Providence: The Institute of Management Science Srivastava, Rajendra., Robert Leone. (1980) "Attribute Overlap in the Modeling of Customer Product Portfolios", Advances in Consumer Research, 7, Association for Consumer Research Srivastava, Rajendra., Elizabeth Hirschman., Mark Alpert. (1979) "An Empirical Examination of Alternative Models for Predicting Consumer Utilization of Two Credit Card Systems", Advances in Consumer Research, 6, Association for Consumer Research Srivastava, Rajendra., Rohit Desphande. (1978) "Corporate Lobbying as Marketing Communications: Utilizing Multivariate Analysis for Segmentation Strategies", Development in marketing Science, Chicago: Academy of Marketing Science , 128-132 Srivastava, Rajendra., A. D. Shocker., G. S. Day. (1978) "An Exploratory Study of the Situational Influences on the Composition of Competitive Product Markets", Advances in Consumer Research, 5, Association for Consumer Research Srivastava, Rajendra., Randi Koeske. (1978) "Preliminary Examination of the Sources and Handling of Consumer Problems of the Elderly", Proceedings of the 1977 Research Symposium on Consumer Satisfaction/Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior, Srivastava, Rajendra., Gerald Zaltman., Rohit Deshpande. (1978) "Perceptions of Unfair Marketing Practices: Consumerism Implications", Advances in Consumer Research, 5, Association for Consumer Research Srivastava, Rajendra., Mathur., S. C. Jain. (1977) "Marketing Implications of the Proposed Balanced Growth and Economic Planning Act", Contemporary Marketing Thought, Educators' Proceedings Srivastava, Rajendra., Rohit Deshpande. (1977) "The Management of Marketing Conflict: Implications for Public Policy", Educators' Proceedings, Chicago: American Marketing Association (
Sunder M, Vijaya., Modukuri, Siddhartha., Srivastava, Rajendra. (2023) "Aadhaar: The Digital Multiplier of the Indian Economy", Harvard Business Publishing Education Srivastava, Rajendra. (2015) "Mia by Tanishq: Jewellery to entice the working woman in India", SMU-14-0046TN Srivastava, Rajendra., Havovi Joshi. (2012) "Income’s Orange Force: Powering Forward to Innovative Paths of Customer Excellence", SMU-12-0021TN NTUC
Srivastava, Rajendra. (2000) "Building and Leveraging Market-based Assets to Drive Marketplace Performance and Value", Defying the Limits: Seeking New Heights in Customer Relationship Management Srivastava, Rajendra., Tasadduq A. Shervani., Liam Fahey. (1997) "Market-Based Assets and Shareholder Value: A Framework for Analysis", Marketing Science Institute Technical Paper Srivastava, Rajendra., Elliot Maltz. (1994) "Assessing the Value of Information Technology: A Systems Perspective", Marketing Science Institute Technical Paper Srivastava, Rajendra., Vijay Mahajan., Vithala Rao. (1993) "An Approach to Assess the Importance of Brand Equity in Acquisition Decisions", Marketing Science Institute Technical Paper , 11 (3), 93-124 Srivastava, Rajendra., Allan Shocker. (1991) "Brand Equity: A Perspective on its Meaning and Measurement", Marketing Science Institute Technical Paper
Pedada, Kiran., Misra, Shekhar., Arunachalam, S., Srivastava, Rajendra. "Impact of International Alliance Termination on Rival's Performance" Padigar Manjunath., Sinha, Ashish., Srivastava, Rajendra. "When does emerging customer orientation affect shareholder value? Interactive effects of emerging customer orientation and marketing capabilities" Padigar, Manjunath., Pedada, Kiran., Sinha, Ashish., Srivastava, Rajendra. "Emerging Customer Orientation and Shareholder Value" Padigar, Manjunath., Pedada, Kiran., Sinha, Ashish., Srivastava, Rajendra. "When do Firms with Disruptive Intent Create Shareholder Value? A Dynamic Capabilities Perspective"