Real Time Indices of Economic Activity

Decision-makers across the public and private sectors need accurate and timely information on economic activity for effective action and interventions. At present, the information available is highly fragmented, privately held and low in accuracy, making coordination among economic actors difficult. The cost of acquiring information and increasing its accuracy is borne privately, leading to asymmetry in the marketplace and an increase in transactions costs as well as the discount rate for future transactions.

The projects in this topic will publish real-time indices of economic activity for India using big data analytics at the highest possible spatial and temporal resolution. In the short run, these indices will provide valuable input for recovery of the economy. The project involves finding information in the public domain and create meaningful indices for measuring economic activity. Idea is to combine high-frequency data (both structured/non-structured) available from various sources to synthesize relevant information.


Projects under this topic are:

Project 1: Employment Index

Faculty: Deepa Mani, Shekhar Tomar

Project 2: Online Prices Index

Faculty: Deepa Mani, Shekhar Tomar

Project 3: Online Activity Index

Faculty: Deepa Mani, Shekhar Tomar

Project 4: Sentiment Index

Faculty: Deepa Mani, Shekhar Tomar