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The purpose of this COVID-19 Protocol for classroom teaching guidelines is to enforce control measures to be implemented by the school in order to ensure safety of the Faculty, Students, Staff & Service providers, by adopting suitable prevention and protection measures. With rapid spread of SARS-CoV-2 virus, it is essential to ensure that our classrooms are prepared to be safe enough for classroom teaching without any adverse effect on spread of viral infection.
2. Objective
Guideline for Resuming classroom teaching and possible prevention strategies For Faculty, Students, staff & Service providers.
Recent lock down and partial release / exemption may bring immediate relaxation to business and domestic requirements. However, the potential spread of SARS-CoV-2 is inherent and need for strategic control in the prevention of such spread while classroom teaching is on.
3. Protocol
a. Protocol for classroom teaching shall be reviewed and approved by School COVID Response committee
b. This document shall be read in conjunction with Guideline in the Health Safety Plan (available at https://www.isb.edu/en/coronavirus.html) and shall be reviewed and revised from time to time as per the evolving circumstances and Guidelines from Authorities – HRD, MHA, ICMR, UGC, Central and State Governments
c. Emergency Contact persons/ numbers shall be provided for each campus
4. General Instructions
The only way to prevent people from getting infected with COVID 19 is to control its spread from one person to another. And that can be done by following personal hygiene, social distancing and by disinfecting surfaces and touch points. In addition to this, everyone must follow the instructions listed but not limited to in the Health Safety Plan.
5. Making Campus Ready for Classroom teaching
a. Disinfection and Sanitizing
Spread of SARS-CoV-2 virus from person to person is most frequent by close contact (within 5 feet) by respiratory droplets. Various agencies, working on minimizing the spread, suggest that SARS-CoV-2 may remain viable for hours to days on surfaces made from a variety of materials. Cleaning of visibly dirty surfaces followed by disinfection is a best practice measure for the prevention of SARS-CoV-2 infection.
Hence Social Distancing is the primary prevention step followed by cleaning and disinfection.
b. Social Distancing
Social Distancing is considered as the best Non-Pharmaceutical method for prevention of SARS- CoV-2. To practice social distancing, ensure a clear distance of at least 5 feet (1.5 meters) from others, not gathering in groups, staying out from crowded locations, etc. Wherever social distance is not possible due to operational reasons, a minimum protection of surgical masks to be used.
c. Disinfection Criteria
Potential area of contacts have been listed in Health Safety Plan and disinfection will be followed accordingly.
6. Management of Classrooms
i. Anyone entering the classroom – Faculty, Students, Staff IT/AV, AA will required to follow all the safety guidelines. They should wear masks at all times inside classrooms.
ii. In-classroom seating arrangement shall be in line with maintaining safe distancing as per UGC and Central and State Government Guidelines. Social distancing to be strictly followed in all learning areas. These include off-campus learning locations also.
iii. Classes shall be staggered to ensure that no person shall be in the same place for not more than 6 hours.
iv. Lunch breaks, Tea breaks shall be staggered to ensure eating areas are not crowded.
v. Alcohol-based sanitizer shall be made available at key locations.
vi. Entry shall be denied for anyone who shows flu like symptoms or has temperature above 100F, Anyone with an oximeter reading of less than 94 percent
vii. As per current Government guidelines, it is recommended that pregnant women and those aged 65 and above continue to attend classes through the online format rather than in-person.
viii. Any abnormality on either of our campuses will be referred to the on-campus rejuvenation centre or Hospital as advised by the doctor. For students at off-campus locations, please contact the nearest hospital for further assistance.
ix. As per the Airconditioning safety norms for COVID 19, air-conditioning in all areas will be stopped for one hour after every six hours.
x. Tea/coffee & food counters to strictly follow social distancing norms.
7. Guidelines for Students
i. Thermal scanning and pulse oximeter screening shall be done at “K” block security desk in each student village and other locations like: LT's, Reception, Atrium, LRC, Food areas, EH. Students shall ensure they sanitize their hands before and after using Pulse Oximeters,
ii. It is optional for students to be in the LT. They can also choose to continue to take classes online.
iii. For each session, half the students will be in the LT and the other half online.
iv. One half will be in the LT on Mon/Tue and the other half will be in the LT on Wed/Thu.
v. Students having pre-existing respiratory illness or heart disease to confine themselves within their studio/quad/room those and continue to attend classes online. They are required to immediately communicate to COVID Cell in case of any abnormalities noticed.
vi. Students to wear masks while they are away from their studios/quads/room. They should wear masks at all times inside classrooms.
vii. Everyone must sanitize their hands before entering the LT’s, LRC, Elevators and other enclosed common spaces. Sanitizer bottle shall be provided across the campus.
viii. Crowding shall be avoided while entry into and exit from the classrooms.
ix. Gathering of people in common areas, such as corridor, entry gate, reception, cafeteria shall be prohibited.
x. Students to carry their own water bottles and cups.
xi. Group studies and combined assignments with strict social distancing norms to be observed. No group discussion shall be allowed for more than 5 people. In any gathering, distance of 5 feet is mandatory.
xii. All students are required to abide with the campus COVID-19 guidelines. Any deviation will attract disciplinary action.
8. Guidelines for LRC
i. All Safety Guidelines shall remain same as in Section 7 above
ii. Maximum number of students allowed in LRC at any point of time is 120 for Hyderabad campus and 55 for Mohali campus
iii. Students shall be divided into 4 groups and each group shall have 2 hour slot as below
- 9 am to 11 am
- 12 pm to 2 pm
- 3 pm to 5 pm
- 6 pm to 8 pm
iv. There will be a break of one hour between slots for sanitisation
v. AC will be switched off during the break timings
vi. Students movement shall be restricted to LRC, LTs as per class schedule and Student accommodations,
vii. Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner shall be at the same locations – SVs in Hyderabad campus and SDR with staggered system in Mohali
9. Guidelines for Faculty
i. All Faculty going for in classroom teaching shall undergo RT-PCR test 48 to 72 hours before doing so.
ii. Avoid leaving campus once the RT-PCR test sample is taken and until all in-class sessions, including any in-person tutorial sessions and in-person office hours, for that term are completed.
iii. It is optional for Faculty to teach in the LT. They can choose to continue to teach online if they prefer to do so.
iv. For each session, half the students will be in the LT and the other half online.
v. Faculty to carry their own water bottles and cups to the classroom.
vi. Faculty shall restrict their movement to at least 1.50 metre away from the first row of students to avoid any aerial transmission of the virus.
vii. There shall be a marking on the floor limiting the movement of the Professor.
viii. Professors shall avoid walking in the aisle spaces while in the classroom,
ix. While it is mandatory to wear mask during the classroom teaching, it may be difficult to teach with mask on for long durations.
x. One suggestion to make teaching for two hours wearing a mask less onerous is to have two short breaks, say one at every 40 minutes.
xi. Professors will have the right to ask students not following safe distancing and/or not wearing masks to leave the classroom.
10. Guidelines for Faculty travelling to other campus for teaching
i. Any Faculty travelling from Hyderabad to Mohali or visa versa shall undergo 7 day quarantine as per campus protocol,
ii. They will shall undergo RT-PCR test on 5th Day.
iii. We get result on 6th Day.
iv. On getting Negative report for RT-PCR test, Faculty will be allowed to teach in classroom from 7th Day onwards.
v. They shall have to follow same process on returning back to their base campus.
vi. On return to base campus, Faculty is advised to quarantine in EH in their respective campus, however if Faculty wish to quarantine in their home, then all the family members will have to quarantine followed by RT-PCR test,
vii. All the quarantine costs at both locations – Accommodation in EH, Food and RT-PCR test expenses shall be borne by ISB. However, if the Faculty quarantines at home on return RT-PCT test charges for Faculty shall be borne by ISB and those to the family members will have to be borne by the Faculty. No other expenses shall be borne by ISB,
viii. No physical transactions such as food or laundry shall happen between EH quarantine facility and home during quarantine period.
ix. All other Guidelines shall remain same as in Section 9 above
11. SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS TO Students/ Faculty/ support staff/staff:
i. ISB team will disinfect and clean all the areas daily as per the schedule, all students are required to abide by the COVID-19 guidelines. Any deviation will attract disciplinary action and are liable to be asked to vacate the campus in case of failure to comply with these Guidelines.
ii. ISB campus is under CCTV surveillance and these video recordings shall be used to identify anyone violating guidelines and appropriate action shall be taken against violators.
iii. While School is taking all measures to ensure safety from spread of COVID-19 virus, it shall be every individual’s responsibility to ensure that they maintain all the requisite measures to keep themselves and others safe while in the classrooms.
iv. Any individual with any symptoms shall immediately contact campus healthcare SPOC Harsha Vardhan (+919177234222) at Hyderabad campus and Pawan Gaur (+917087400535) at Mohali campus.
[RST1]Is this Web site being kept updated and is it current?
[GBT2]HR need to upload updated plan, will get it done.
Contact us
Residents of Hyd campus – Naresh Chowdary ( Naresh_Chowdary@isb.edu, M: +91 9000239993 ) Residents of Moh campus – Amrit Ghotra ( Amrit_Ghotra@isb.edu, +91 9876601370)