Bharti Institute has partnered with CRB (Centre for Responsible Business) as lead partners in their annual conference- India.
Bharti Institute of Public Policy is excited to partner with Centre for Responsible Busines again in International Dialogues and Conference on October 28, 2021.
The Bharti Institute of Public Policy at the Indian School of Business, held its first Governance Summit on 12th May, 2023.
Bharti Institute of Public Policy conducted IPPN conference on 26th and 27th March 2021.
The report ‘Policy Recommendations for Customer-Centric E-commerce in India’ was released by Bharti Institute of Public Policy in August 2022 at a special event in New Delhi.
Bharti Institute of Public Policy held Public Policy Dialogues on the theme “Human Development” from January 3-5 at ISB Hyderabad Campus
India Data Portal Manali Conference
In a first, Bharti Institute of Public Policy held Public Policy Dialogues on the theme “Bridging Research and Practice” from January 4-6 at ISB Hyderabad Campus
ISB’s BIPP Launches Food Systems Visualisation Engine (FSVE), a Unique Visualisation Engine to Address the Lack of Visibility in Food Systems