Professional Clubs

The Indian School of Business (ISB) community runs many professional clubs. The clubs give you the chance to apply classroom learning to the outside world. This helps you to gain invaluable leadership as well as life skills. In addition to connecting you with other students who have similar interests, professional clubs are a platform for students to interact with alumni and professionals in their fields of interest. This helps you to build formal and informal networks while exploring career opportunities. 
The Graduate Student Board (GSB), the elected representatives of the ISB student body, coordinates and manages activities of the clubs. GSB organises conferences, talks by eminent guest speakers, and many other events, which enrich the learning experience at ISB.

The ISB currently has the following professional clubs:

Social Clubs

These clubs are managed by the students of ISB so you can be an organiser as well as a participant. The clubs organise competitions, events, and activities and offer excellent networking opportunities with fellow students. They also channelise diverse interests and talents of students by providing them with an avenue to display their talents. The campus comes alive with events such as evening jam sessions by the music club, section cricket tournaments, photography competitions and quizzes. 
The Graduate Student Board (GSB), the elected representatives of the ISB student body, coordinates and manages activities of the clubs. 
The ISB currently has the following social clubs:

Special Interest Groups

Hyderabad campus:


  • Debate (Since 2018) 

  • Human Capital & Leadership (Since 2018) 

  • WAWE (Since 2018) 

  • Automobile, Aerospace & Mobility (2019-20) 

  • Media & Entertainment (2019-20) 

  • Business Analytics (2019-20) 

Mohali campus:

  • Business Analytics (Since 2018) 

  • Debate (2019-20) 

  • Literary (2019-20) 

  • Media & Entertainment (2019-20)

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